Astrid to Hiccup

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From: Astrid
To: Hiccup


When I first met you I didn't realise how important you were going to be to me. I've always wondered how true love looked like but I started to live it instead of imagine it when you came to my life and opened up your heart to me, letting me know you were not going to look back, letting me know it will always be you and me, letting me keep the secret that changed everyone's lives forever.

Words would never be enough to describe how deeply in love I'm with you, how much I love your kisses, your touch, the warmth of your heart next to mine. I can't imagine any other person to wake up with every morning, I can't imagine any other person to share my dreams, my secrets, my insecurities, my worries.

I remember how scared we were when we found out I was pregnant for the first time. I remember we cried for almost an hour, I remember our little talks to our baby and how happy we got when she moved to the sound of our voices and the touch of our hands.

With you, I discovered the world, I learned how to be free, to be patient, to be happy, to appreciate even the simplest things. You made me the woman, the mother, the wife I am today and the fact that I have lived all these facets of myself with you, makes me realise how lucky I am to have you by my side.

If I could chose my destiny I would chose you over and over again. I would chose your arms which are always willing to protect me, to protect our children, our family. I would chose every single part that makes you the man I keep falling in love with.

I know we still have many things to live, to do, to experiment, to see, to find but I'm not afraid because when I hold your hands and look into your eyes, I know I have found my safety place.

Yours forever, your wife,


Take care,
Anny 💫

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