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This one shot is settled at the Edge. 😊

Hiccup was acting suspiciously for almost an entire week and Astrid was starting to wonder what was happening. He said he was working on something important to increase the security at the Edge but she didn't believe that. She had already memorized his routine and she was about to give him a huge surprise.

Hiccup was proud of his work. It took him an entire week to made Astrid a necklace, it was beautiful just like her. He was planning to go on a picnic with her in the morning so he could put this beautiful piece of jewelry on Astrid's neck.

It was late night and Hiccup was pretty hungry so he grabbed the necklace and put it in one of his pockets, he was afraid it will be damaged or got lost so he went out of his hut and started walking straight to the clubhouse.

The problem was that Hiccup was not aware that Astrid was waiting for him inside. She was at the right side of the door so he couldn't see her.

"So, how are you supposed to increase security around here?"

Hiccup definitely wasn't expecting that, his heart jumped of fear. He didn't think someone would be awake after midnight.

"Hey Astrid! How's life going?" He said smiling awkwardly at her.

"Are you going to tell me what are you hiding or do I have to find out by myself?" Astrid said approaching to him.

He started to walk backwards until he hit one of the clubhouse walls. In that moment, he knew he was lost. Astrid was standing in front of him with her arms crossed. She was waiting for him to talk.

Hiccup just sighed.

"Well, since I don't want to be killed right now I will give you what I have been working on. "

Of course she wasn't expecting to kill him. She just wanted to know what was this secret project of him. She giggled and smiled.

"Babe you know I wouldn't do that but you have been in your hut for an entire week! And you didn't even tell me what was this project about. You didn't let me help you!", Astrid said frowning a little bit.

Hiccup just loved when she was mad, she was hot and cute, both at the same time and this always drove Hiccup crazy. She was like a dream for him.

"Sorry about that but I needed this to be perfect." He said grabbing one of her hands and smiling.

Astrid was now relaxed, she couldn't resist to that beautiful smile, and the touch of his skin always sent shivers through her body. She smiled and now was curious about this thing that took Hiccup so long.

"I was literally locked in my hut because I was making this for you", he said while taking out the necklace.

"W-wow Hiccup- I- this is jus-"

"Shh, let me finish m'lady", he said grabbing her cheek while smiling.

Astrid understood that she needed to turn around so Hiccup could put the necklace around her neck. She grabbed her braid so it didn't interfere.

"I was trying to make a piece of jewelry suitable enough for you, but I'm not perfect", Hiccup said in her ear while buckling the necklace. The sound of his voice so close to her made Astrid bite her lip.

She turned around and kissed him, their bodies were synchronized. Astrid's hands caressing Hiccup's hair and his hands caressing Astrid's waist.

They needed to breathe so they separated. Watching Astrid that happy made Hiccup realize how lucky he was for having her in his life.

"Babe, this is beautiful! Thank you!"

"Anything for you m'lady." They both smiled and hugged. A beautiful moon was covering them and they were enjoying the warm of their bodies and the closeness of their hearts.

Take care,

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