Little Talks

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If you click on the video you will hear Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. 😊

Hiccup and Astrid were relaxing on their bed. Hiccup was laying on Astrid's chest while she was caressing his soft hair.

"Mmm that feels so good", Hiccup said wrapping Astrid's waist with his arms.

He was so tired and the sensation was so good that he fell asleep. Astrid smiled at the feeling of Hiccup hugging her tightly like a teddy bear.

She sighed and started thinking about how perfect her life was with Hiccup by her side. Hiccup noticed that Astrid wasn't sleeping. He felt that something was going through Astrid's head.

"Why are you awake?"

"I was just thinking babe."

Hiccup needed to see that beautiful face of hers so he removed his head from Astrid's chest. He was now sitting with his legs stretched and his back at the head of their bed.
He grabbed Astrid by the waist so she can be on top of him.

Hiccup just loved to have Astrid in front of him, to admire her beautiful eyes. Her soft lips, which were perfectly suitable for his lips, her tiny nose. He just adored every single part of her.

"What were you thinking about m'lady?", Hiccup said grabbing both of her hands and giving little kisses to her knuckles.

She giggled at the feeling and gave him a warm smile.

"I was just realizing how lucky I am to have you as my husband. My life is perfect because you are part of it and I don't want anyone else but you."

He smiled, he loved when Astrid was this romantic. He grabbed Astrid's cheeks and she smiled starting to caress his wrists.

"Astrid you are perfect. You don't have an idea of how heartwarming is to see you every morning next to me. To caress your hair, your soft skin. You don't have an idea of how perfect is to you look at you when you are getting ready for the day. I am the luckiest man in the world because I have the chance to fall in love with you every single day. And I will always, always let you know how beautiful you are."

Astrid just hugged him with the same amount of force that he used with her before, even stronger.

"M'lady I-I love you bu-but I can't breath."

"Oh Thor. Sorry babe."

They both laughed until their eyes connected.

"I love you, my little ray of sunshine."

"What was that?", she said giggling.

"Just a new morning greeting for you m'lady."

"I think I'm staying only with your morning kisses."

"Oh, you want one now? Do you?"

Hiccup started tickling Astrid everywhere. She couldn't resist anymore so she punched Hiccup's arm.

"Wow! What was that for?"

"For being such a dork."

"Only yours m'lady."

"Yeah, only mine. I'm not planning to share."

They both smiled until they finally kissed. It felt just as the first time, because with every kiss, they get a little bit deeper into each other's hearts.

Take care,
Anny 💫

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