When We Kiss

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Hey! If you click on the video you will hear Perfect by Ed Sheeran. 😊

Hiccup was preparing their breakfast while Astrid was still sleeping. At least that's what Hiccup thought.

He was going to take out some dishes when he noticed Astrid leaning on their kitchen wall staring at him.

"What?" He asked smiling.

"Nothing you just look so cute making our food." She said biting her lip.
She always did that when she wanted him to kiss her.

She was wearing one of Hiccup's tunics and that was extremely sexy for him because he could see and touch her soft skin way easier.

"That's it. You are going to kill me" , Hiccup said approaching to Astrid putting her completely against the wall.

By instinct she put her hands around Hiccup's neck and he started to kiss her like there was no tomorrow. Astrid moaned a little bit through the kiss. They were pretty close and that feeling sent shivers through their bodies.

They separated to catch some air and he grabbed her cheeks while Astrid started caressing his wrists.

"Astrid when we kiss I feel like the world just goes away, I feel like there is only you and me. And I want to share that feeling with you forever."

She smiled and closed her eyes, hugging him and hiding her face on his chest. Hiccup was caressing Astrid's hair.They were exchanging each other's feelings. They were just enjoying each other.

To hear his lovely husband talking like that made Astrid realise that love couldn't be any better for her. She used to be afraid of falling completely for someone but Hiccup was the one. She was more than sure about that when she decided to marry him.

" I'm sure we are going to share this feeling forever, and forever sounds just perfect to me", Astrid said looking at him.

They kissed again just like always. With love, with passion, with tenderness, until their stomachs growled.

"Well, we should probably eat", Hiccup said.

They both laughed. He was on his way to the kitchen while Astrid just smiled imagining how their future will be. How their house will look with children running an playing everywhere. How amazing was to wake up by Hiccup's side every single day. She couldn't be more grateful for what they both built through the years.
She couldn't had asked for a better husband and in that moment, she realized that life had just begun for them.

Take care,

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