I Think I'm Pregnant- Part 1

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It was a peaceful dawn. Everyone on their huts sleeping, except for two lovebirds.

Astrid was moving side to side and that woke Hiccup up. He was worried. She was never this restless.

"Agh!", Astrid screamed.

"M'lady is everything alright?"

"Ye-yes I think"

Hiccup grabbed her cheeks and was about to kiss her until Astrid suddenly covered her mouth with her hands getting out of their bed and running to the bathroom.

"I didn't think I smelled that bad in the morning", Hiccup said wondering why Astrid was throwing up so early.

"Can I come in?" Hiccup asked. She was on her knees breathing with difficulty.

"Yeah babe I- I think that something of what we ate yesterday made me ill"

"Let me take you to Gothi's hut. You never get this sick"

"Hiccup I'm fine", she said before throwing up again. Hiccup grabbed her hair so it doesn't get dirt.

"You were saying?" Hiccup said with a worried grin.

"Agh! Alright, we are going to visit Gothi but is too early. Don't you want to sleep with me for a couple of hours more?" She said giving Hiccup puppy eyes while cleaning her mouth with a towel that Hiccup gave to her.

He couldn't resist to that beautiful face.

"Whatever m'lady wants" he said helping her to get up. He kissed her forehead and grabbed her hand so they could go back to sleep.

They slept until 7 in the morning. Hiccup didn't want to wake her up so he wrote his wife a letter and left it next to her.

"Astrid, my love. Please, don't go to Gothi's hut without me. I want to make sure you are good. I will be back as soon as possible."

Astrid opened her eyes to see only a letter next to her. She read the letter and felt something in her belly.
By instinct, she put both of her hands on it and she felt in her heart that it was not because of something she ate. It felt as if she was carrying another life inside of her.

She needed to talk about this feeling with her best friend as soon as possible.

She stretched and got up from their bed to get ready to go outside. She closed the door and started walking.

She must have been completely lost in her thoughts because she didn't hear Heather calling for her.

"Astrid! I'm talking to you!"

"So-sorry Heather", she said shaking her head.

"Astrid, what's wrong ?"

"I think that it will be better if we go for a walk while I tell you this"

They started to walk in silence through the forest and Heather couldn't resist anymore.

"Astrid is everything okay?"

"Ye-yes, I just I-"

Heather stood in front of her and grabbed her hands.

"Astrid you can tell me everything. You know that, right?"

Astrid took a deep breath.

"Heather, I...I think I'm pregnant"

Take care,

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