Unfinished Business - Part 1

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"You didn't make any progress while I was gone, did you?", Astrid asked closing Hiccup's hut door which he didn't even mind to close.

"To be honest I don't want to", Hiccup said before sighing and leaning his body on the back of the chair where he was sitting.

He was working on a new strategy so the route to the main port of Berk could be more passable for all the traders and for berkians themselves.

Astrid was trying to help him but he was not listening anymore so she left for a while to see if being alone would help.

"Yeah I could tell", Astrid said walking where he was. She stood behind him just to see a lot of studs on his notebook.

He was definitely stressed and she knew the perfect way to make him relax at least for a moment. She started to massage his shoulders, making him close his eyes. Hiccup leaned his head on Astrid's chest as she continued moving her hands strong enough to actually relieve his tense muscles.

"This feels so good m'lady", he said enjoying Astrid's touch.

"I know", she said now getting a little playful. She continued massaging him but now she slipped her hands down Hiccup's chest. He opened his eyes and put his hands on Astrid's wrists to stop her.

"What?", she asked before letting out a little giggle.

"Nothing. I just want to see your face", he said grabbing one of Astrid's hands to lead her in front of him. She gave him a naughty smile before sitting on his lap, facing him just as he wanted.

"Are you happy now?", she asked as she started to touch Hiccup's soft hair.

"I could be happier", he said lifting her chin softly. Astrid grabbed his face and kissed him. This made Hiccup grab Astrid's waist tightly, pulling her even closer to him.

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