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It was a calm Sunday morning. Birds were starting to sing, the sun was slowly coming out. It was like every other morning except for the fact that two little angels called Zephyr and Nuffink were already awake.

"Could you pass me the eggs Nuff?", Zephyr asked.

"Yes!", Nuffink said. He was trying to reach the eggs with his little hands and the image warmed Zephyr's heart. She loved to be the big sister and she loved Nuffink too.

"Here", she said laughing while handing him two eggs. She helped Nuffink to get on his little bench which was especially made for him so he could easily reach the kitchen counters. Zephyr helped him to crash the eggs into a bowl.

She added one more egg and started to mix them.They have been waiting for this all week. Nuffink had the idea of preparing breakfast for their parents so they could thank them for everything they have done for them.

Once the eggs were already mixed,
Zephyr put them into a pan so they could get cooked. She reached two glasses and put them next to her.

"Oh, here goes milk sis! Love milk!", Nuffink said between giggles.

"I know you do", Zephyr said touching his little nose. "But shh, we don't want mommy and daddy to wake up", she said with her finger on her lips so Nuffink could understand faster.

"Shh", Nuffink answered while nodding.

"Good. Now, could you please bring me those apples over there?", she said giving him a little smile before flipping the now, eggs omelet. She waited for it to be ready and put it on a dish. Then, she served the milk and started to put everything on a tray.

"What are this ones for sis?", Nuffink asked while giving her the apples.

"Look", Zephyr said cutting them slowly and putting them into a bowl. Nuffink was curiously watching his sister cut the apples. He loved to watch Astrid cutting them when they were making pies but he had never seen his sister doing it by herself.

- "It's time", Zephyr said grabbing the tray with their parent's food.

- "This is for mommy", he said adding a flower to the tray. Zephyr just smiled.

They started to walk to their parents room. Nuffink went first so he could check if they were awake or not. He carefully opened the door and saw their parents peacefully sleeping.

"You can come sis", he whispered. Zephyr entered walking careful enough to not drop anything.
She laid the tray next to Astrid's feet. Nuffink went to Hiccup's side and waited for his sister to give him the signal.

Zephyr started to count until three with her fingers so when Nuffink saw her three right fingers up he knew it was time.

"Surpriseeeee!", they said together making Hiccup and Astrid open their eyes immediately. They slowly started to sit on their bed and the image of their beautiful kids standing in front of them was worth the sudden wake up.

"Oh, look what we have here!", Hiccup said lifting Nuffink up so he could sit on his lap. Hiccup kissed his forehead making him giggle.

"Look mommy this is for you!", Nuffink said getting off Hiccup's lap and handing Astrid the flower he put on the tray. "Thank you sweetie", she said hugging her son.

"But what we did to deserve this?", Hiccup asked opening his arms so Zephyr could sit next to him.

"W-we wanted to thank you for being the best parents in the world", Zephyr said making their hearts melt. Astrid and Hiccup just looked at each other smiling while grabbing their hands. They were enjoying the moment until little Nuffink's stomach growled.

"Someone's hungry huh?", Hiccup said making his family laugh. Nuffink pulled himself next to Hiccup's free arm while Astrid grabbed the tray and put it on the center of their bed. She grabbed the bowl with the chunks of apple and gave one to Nuffink and then to Zephyr.

"And for me m'lady?", Hiccup asked acting as if he was offended.

"Daddy eats by himself", Nuffink said giggling. "May I ask why?", Hiccup said.

"No daddy", Nuffink said making everyone laugh again. Astrid helped Nuffink to drink a sip of milk while Hiccup handed the other glass of milk to their daughter.

"Mmm, who cooked this delicacy?", Hiccup asked before dividing the omelet into four pieces so they could all eat it.

"Zephyr did!", Nuffink said while eating more apple chunks.

"We both did", she said smiling.
They continued laughing and talking while they were having a delicious breakfast.

Hiccup and Astrid couldn't ask for anything else. They knew they wanted to have a family when they got married but they never imagined how beautiful it was going to be. Because when you have somewhere to go it is called home, home goes by the hand of love, love that only family could give.

Take care,
Anny 💫

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