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September 9th

Dear Diary,

Jane's party was a disaster.

Kidding. It was pretty fun. Even though she was turning eighteen and we were the oldest kids there, we had a good time.

Cooper and Jane got on well, and I finally met her man friend, a blonde guy called Matt. They've been dating for like, six months and I hadn't even seen him yet because he didn't go to our school. He was nice but didn't really pay that much attention to me because he was more interested in getting Cooper away from the birthday girl. I was happy when he did manage to; the other two were making fun of the fact I might have a teensy tiny crush on Cooper.

Maybe I do. I don't know.

Is it weird if I do? I don't want it to be weird between us, and I know he's just getting out of a relationship, so he still might not be over whoever she was, and if I tell him I like him - I don't know if I actually do though - will he not want to hang out with me any more? It'd be awkward and I don't think I could handle that. And if he doesn't find out, he might go off with another girl and that'd be disastrous for me. But what if he likes me and we're both too shy to ask each other out, it'd be like skinny love and everyone would push us together and that'd be even more awkward.

I mean, I like Cooper (screw it, I like him a little too much for comfort) but I don't want to ruin our relationship at all by telling him and then everything would be awkward especially if he doesn't like me back. He's been teasing me about my blatant crush on him a lot but he hasn't actually reacted to this. He's just been pointing it out and I don't know what that's supposed to even mean. Is he happy about it, does he feel awkward? Has he got a crush on me, even? I highly doubt that.

I'm so overthinking this.

Anyway, Molly couldn't make it so it was just the four of us. She missed out on a really delicious cake.

Well.. not really, I saved her a slice.

Hazel x

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