Chapter Ten- Gerard

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"Frankie?" I end the silence, looking over at him. He looks at me, a shallow smile on his face. "Be honest, how are you feeling?" 

"I'm fine-"

"Now see, I can't seem to believe you, because that's what I thought when my dad died. And that is definitely not "fine" so please, be honest with me." I slide my hand up his arm and to his shoulder. 

"You're right. I'm hurt. Everything hurts. But worst of all, while I was screaming, for my mom. She never came." 


"I was screaming for her to come and help her son, and she didn't come," his eyes fill with tears. 

"Oh, come on was she there?"

"She was there. I'll promise you that," he replies angrily.

"Frank, come here," I move into a hug. He buries his face into my shoulder. "It's going to be okay, it'll get better one day, don't worry." I pat his back gently as he sobs. He moves closer to me. "Shh, it's okay. We'll get through this together." 


I knock on the door, carrying a tray of food. He calls me in and I walk in, setting the tray down. "How are you feeling? Is the pain subsiding or...?"

"I'm fine, Gee," he looks at me. "It's just a headache." 

"Okay, well here, drink some soup," I move the try closer to him. "They found him. They just need you to ID him," I pull out my phone and show him a picture of the man. "Frank, is this him?" 

He looks at the photo. "Please... Put the photo away. I don't want to see him anymore-" he starts to panic at the sight. 

"No, Frankie, it's okay." I turn the phone off and put my hand on his cheek. "It's okay, no one's going to hurt you now. I just have to tell Officer Louis," I quickly text her, watching Frank in the corner of my eye. "It's over."

"No, it's not. I'll have to go to court. He'll get away again. Just like all the other times." 

"Frank, I swear he won't get away with this. But- I have to tell you this... Your mother was arrested because they found copious amounts of heroin in her system and hidden in the house. She'll be charged with drug possession."  

"What am I going to do?"

"They said they'll have to send you to an orphanage unless you have relatives."

"I don't," he starts to tear up. 


"I don't want to leave here. I actually like it here and-"

"It's going to be okay- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry this is happening to you." I wrap my arms around him, letting him break down. "We'll find a way to make it together. We'll find a way." 

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