Chapter Twenty-Seven- Frank

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(Three hours ago) 

"Elle! Please, I have to go meet Gee at the park. I haven't seen him a so long-" I plead. Elle simply shakes her head. We're all on lockdown because the cops got a tip that someone was coming after us. "Can I at least text him?" I ask. She shakes her head again. "Someone could track you if you do so. I'm sorry Frank, please just go to your room," she says before turning around to speak with the cop. Kellin limps over and grabs my shoulder comfortingly. I sigh and follow him and Vic. We walk to Kellin's room and sit down. A cop walks in and nods at us. 

"Kellin Quinn, Vic Fuentes, Frank Iero," Kellin tells the cop. He gives us a thumbs up and crosses our names off a list. Kellin sighs and puts his crutches against the dresser. He sits down on the door, his back against the wall. Vic scoots up next to him. "I'm sorry about Gerard, Frank. I know how much you've been waiting to see him again," Kellin says. He's the only one that knows about what I told Gerard that night at the hospital. Kellin's like the most accepting person here, other than Vic. I just haven't gotten around to telling Vic- or maybe I'm just scared to. 

"Vic Fuentes?" A voice calls. A cop pokes his head in and gestures for Vic to follow him. Vic gets up and walks out the door. 

"What's going on with you and Vic?" I blurt out. What? Everyone's been wondering- Okay, maybe just me, but still. 

Kellin visibly blushes and smiles at the ground. "I know you saw us when you were outside. After I left, I started having another anxiety attack and Vic was so helpful. Then it- it just happened. He told me he likes me, and I said the same thing, and maybe it was the rush of emotion but you know- we kissed." 

"Oh. My. God. I knew it! You two are so cute together. I ship it." I say. "Oh my god, we're teenage girls," I gasp. Kellin laughs just as Vic walks back in. He smiles and sits down next to Kellin again, but this time, he wraps his arm around Kellin's waist. Kellin tenses up before relaxing. I grin, Vic gives me a funny look. "You two can make out if you want to, I'm cool with it," I hold back a laugh. Vic turns red. Kellin throws a pillow at me. 

"You know what? Maybe we will!" Vic raises his chin. I glare my eyes. Kellin laughs and wraps his arms around Vic's neck, putting a soft kiss on his lips. He pulls away and lays his head on Vic's shoulder. I stare at Vic, whose cheeks are red, like a Solo Cup. Vic stutters to put words together and Kellin just chuckles softly. 

"Maybe one day you and Gerard will do that, and we can double-date," Vic grins at me. My eyes widen and I look at Kellin, who looks just as surprised that Vic knows. "What?" He looks at Kellin and then me. "I'm not fucking blind! I saw you two with your grossly romantic heart eyes in the hospital," he puckers his lips mockingly. I throw the pillow that Kellin had previously thrown at me, at him. He narrows his eyes and puts the pillow under Kellin's leg, where the injury was. 

"Awwwe, you two are so cute-" 

"Stop being a teenage girl, Frank," Kellin quotes me. "Besides, that's the reason I have the pillow in the first place. Also, thank you, Vic," he gently kisses Vic's cheek. 

(One hour after Chapter Twenty-Six)

"Frank!" Elle bursts into the room. Vic jumps and accidentally hits Kellin in the jaw. Kellin winces and rubs his jaw. "It's oh god- Gerard attempted suicide and-"

"He what?"I screech, jumping up and rushing to her. "I need to see him, right now. I don't even care if I die, I need to see him!" I plead. This time, Elle nods. Vic helps Kellin up and both of them follow behind me. 

"We're a package deal, besides, Gerard's cool, and he needs support right now," Kellin clears his throat. Elle just nods and rushes us to a car, driving out as quickly as possible. I tap my fingers against the leather seats. He can't die. I struggle for air. Why would you do this, Gee? I feel my heart racing as we get to the hospital parking lot. I see the ambulance, then Gee on the stretcher. Mikey jumps out of the vehicle. I jump out of the car, not bothering to wait for Elle or the others. I rush to Gee, but then Mikey slaps me. I jump back at the sudden jolt of pain. 

"You did this," Mikey growls, he shoves my shoulder. "Get the fuck away from him, you bastard," he says before running into the hospital. I hear Kellin behind me gasp. What did I do?  

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