Chapter Twenty-One- Frank

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I stand, frozen. The elevator doors close behind me. Kellin and Vic next to me. The man in the ski mask turns to us and holds his gun up. Holy shit, not today, please? God? Please? 

"Hands up!" The man shouts. Without thinking twice, my hands shoot up to the air and I gulp, trying to breathe. Kellin and Vic follow. I look behind him. A body, covered in red. Calm down, Frank. I bite my tongue in a desperate attempt to muffle a sob. The man steps forward and grabs Vic's arm. Kellin freezes. Vic cries out as he drags Vic in front of us. 

"Look, we're just visitors from San Francisco. We don't want any trouble-" Kellin starts. 

"SHUT UP," the man shouts, Kellin flinches and takes a shallow breath. "I'm not an idiot- Kellin Quinn Bostwick." He growls. Kellin gasps and lets out a soft cry. The man aims the gun at Vic's head. "You're all going to die today. Maybe that will scare those cowards away," he says, cocking a bullet into the chamber. His finger ghosting over the trigger. Vic's life depends on a single move from this man's finger. Vic sobs and squeezes his eyes shut. 

"You three are already going to testify, and we can't let that happen, can we?" He laughs. Laughs. Vic looks up and stares straight at Kellin. Kellin takes a deep breath and rushes forward, tackling the man. The gun goes off. I hear a scream. But I don't move. I'm frozen. Like a deer in front of headlights. Frozen. The gun goes off again. Glass shatters. Another one goes off. I finally break free from my frozen stance and see Vic, who ended up a few feet from them. I help him up. I quickly dial whoever is on my redial, pleading for help. The gun goes off again and it slides to my feet. Kellin crawls backward. Blood. The phone slips from my hand. I stare at the guy. More blood. A bullet in his knee cap, another in his shoulder.

 I stare down at Kellin. His leg is bleeding, badly. Vic quickly kneels down by Kellin, who's laying on his back, biting his lower lip. He groans. Vic rips the fabric off of his own shirt and puts pressure on the wound with one hand, the other, gripping Kellin's hand. He mumbles something. 

Then I hear it. Maybe it's heaven, but I hear sirens. Finally- a tad bit late though. Vic puts his arm around Kellin's waist, Kellin's arm around his shoulders. He helps Kellin limp out of the building. I rush in front of them to help with down, and with doors. Soon enough, we're outside. Gun pointing at us. I put my hands up and gesture to Kellin, whose forehead is beaded with sweat. His leg still bleeding badly. He rests his head on Vic's shoulder until Paramedics get to him and help him into a stretcher. 

I hear someone call me and I spin around. His arms go around me and I hug him back. 

"Thank god. What happened?" Gee asks. 

I shake my head, turning around and staring at Kellin, clearly in pain. A cop walks to me. 

"The gunman is still in the building. I think most people are hiding in rooms. He's on the second floor. Kellin managed to get two shots on him, but I'm not sure if he's dead," I tell the cop, who radios it in and a team rushes in. 

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