Chapter Twenty-Five- Frank

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"Do you have any idea why the elevator started shaking?" Vic asks as we walk to the giant meeting place for everyone. "Apparently someone shut down everything, and the elevator must have fallen a level or something. No one's really sure," Kellin says. We enter the building and see everyone. Elle welcomes us in and leads us to a certain part of the area. The front. She gets everyone to quiet down. 

"As you all know, the...  Attack was intense. I think we owe Kellin Quinn a huge thanks. He managed to kill the shooter before he could hurt anyone else-" She gets cut off by everyone clapping loudly. Some people around us hug him. After that, Kellin puts his arm around Vic. Elle smiles before clearing her throat. "I know all of you lost something because of this monster. And I promise you, we will put him behind bars, all of you have identified him as your attacker, which definitely makes our chances greater-" everyone claps again, cheering. "I want all of you to meet each other, I know you've never gotten the chance to meet," she says before walking away. 

"Hi, I'm Nick. I just wanted to thank you for being the one that put him arrested, and giving all of us the chance to tell the world what happened to us." Nick says to me. We shake hands quickly. "I've talked to some of the people, and all of us agree that you, and Kellin," he turns to Kellin who smiles lightly, "are true heroes."  Kellin hugs Nick. Because of his injury, Kellin's stuck with crutches. Vic helps him a lot though. 

I turn around and see a girl, all alone. She hugging her sides and looking down. I walk over and smile. "I'm-"

"Frank Iero, I know. You're the hero that saved us all. You're the reason he's going to prison forever," she practically rolls her eyes. Another girl walks to her and hugs her. "Nicole, calm down. At least this time someone will believe you," she turns to me. "Sorry about Nicole, she had testified about that man, but lost because everyone thought the thirteen-year-old was lying. She's just bitter about it. I'm Hayley." 

"I'm so sorry about that. I know you've probably heard that before, but I'm so sorry," I turn to Nicole, who lightens up a bit. "May I ask, how did you two meet? Before now or...?" 

"We were neighbors. It happened to both of us, the only difference was that I was too scared to testify again him. His people threatened to hurt my family," Hayley sighs. "Then Nicole's family moved away."

"Wow, that-" 

"Um, have any of you seen Juliet?" A tall man with a deep voice asks. "She has blonde hair, and- oh nevermind, there she is," he sighs. He walks over to her and talks to her for a minute before walking back to us. "I'm Andy," he shakes our hands. Kellin walks over and his eyes widen before spinning around and walking away. Vic just stands there, as confused as I am. 

"I have to go meet someone- I'll be right back..." I say before rushing off to find Kellin. Vic and I find him freaking out in an empty hall. 

"Kells, what's wrong?" Vic walks over and cradles Kellin's cheek. Kellin sighs. "That was Andy Biersack. We were friends before, but then everything happened and he started treating me differently. He would ignore me, then he ended up being friends with this kid who used to bully me every day, and he joined him. It wasn't ever too bad, but it's just... Awkward," Kellin leans into Vic's hand. Anger suddenly rushes through me. I understand being embarrassed, but hurting Kellin is taking it too far. 

Kellin moves and takes a deep breath. "I'll just wait to confront him. For now, I think I'm just going to go to my room," he sighs. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" Vic asks, grab Kellin's hand. Kellin nods and both of them walk away. 

I walk back out and find Andy. "Excuse me, but why would you hurt Kellin like that?" I shout. People turn around and stare at us. Andy looks around and grabs my arm. He drags me outside and runs his fingers through his hair. 

"I really wish I didn't, but everything just got so much more complicated, and Kellin would never just stop talking about it. He wanted me to open up about it, but I didn't want to! I did everything I could to just forget it, but he was convinced that if you talk about your problems, people will help you through it. Well, guess what? It doesn't. It got him sent to a mental institution. My parents told me to stop hanging out with him. But I made sure that those kids didn't hurt him too badly, I swear. I wish I could tell him I'm sorry, but I just know that he won't believe me." 

"You never know until you try. He's in his room right now," I say. He sighs and runs inside. I look up and at one of the windows, I see two people...


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