Chapter One- Frank

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Roaming around the school is hard enough, but then every new kid's nightmare... Lunch. You can't sit alone, otherwise, you'll be marked as 'uncool' and will be bullied. But, as the new kid, you have no friends. I walk around looking for an empty seat. Eventually, I see an empty seat. But it's with a small group of guys.

"Hi... Can I sit here?" I ask slowly. The guys turn to look at me. Two of them sit next to each other, the third is the one with the empty seat next to him.

"Of course. You're the new one, yes?" The guy with the beanie and glasses says. I nod. Racking my brain to remember if he's in any of my classes. He obviously notices.

"Science," He says. He smiles, "I'm Mikey." We shake hands.

"Frank," I say, sitting down slowly.

"I'm Ray." They afro guy perks up.

"This is Gerard." Mikey points at the guy next to me. He's wearing all black. He even has dark hair. He's pale and oddly thin. He looks at me for a second before shaking my hand. He then goes back to his paper. I can't see what he's drawing but, it's obvious that he enjoys drawing. Mikey awkwardly stares into space. He frowns and turns to Ray. They continue a conversation about some teacher and some kid. 

"What are you drawing?" I ask Gerard. He looks at me for a second. 

"Just some random sketch." He mutters in reply. He goes back to his drawing. I look over his shoulder. 

"It's really good," I whisper before sitting back down. He turns to me again and raises an eyebrow. 

"Thanks?" He asks slowly. He looks at Mikey. "Hey, what's your last class?" 


Then the bell rings annoyingly. "Time to go." Gerard groans. He gets out of his seat sluggishly and walks out. 


"For music, we'll be in partners... Assigned partners, don't look at your friends." She starts assigning partners, but I really don't pay attention. "And... Frank and Gerard." She finishes. Well... At least I know who I'm working with. I get up and walk over to Gerard's seat, which is in the back corner. 

"So... We're partners..." He doesn't reply. I click my tongue in annoyance.

"We have to create a song and perform to the class... What instruments can you play... Or would you rather sing?" I watch him draw for a minute. 

"It doesn't matter." He finally answers. He looks up and shuts the notebook. "I can sing, and can kinda play guitar." 

"I can play guitar... Ok then, you sing, I'll play guitar!" I suddenly get excited. "Uh, the bell is going to ring in five minutes... Where do you live? I could come over." I suggest.

He writes something down on an empty sheet of notebook paper and tears it off. "Here," He checks his watch and puts some stuff in his bag. 

Soon the bell rings and people file out. I look down at my feet. I see a small orange cylinder on the ground, white cap. And tiny capsules inside. Pills. I pick it up to examine. There is a name on the bottom. "Gerard Way." It has written in black ink. I pocket it and run outside. 

I pull the paper out of my pocket. How nice, he's in the same neighborhood as me. I walk up to his house. It's painted white, like every other house in the neighborhood. Except for that one red one in the corner. I walk up to the door and knock on it. 

"Coming!" A voice shouts. Suddenly I'm faced with Mikey. "Oh, Gee said you were coming... He's not here right now, but he'll be back soon. Come in." He moves to the side.

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