Chapter Twelve- Gerard

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School's really lonely without Frank. No one there to help me with the very awkward third-wheel party. Even though Mikey and Ray aren't dating, they practically are. For example, they always lay their heads on each other's shoulder. When they as much as graze hands, they start blushing. 

"Gee? Hey, earth to Gee!" Mikey snaps his fingers in my face. I shake my head and look at him. "I said, how long are we going to wait until we tell mom about my... Love life?" 

"You do realize that she probably already knows right? I mean, when you were five, all you wanted for your birthday was a unicorn." 

Ray spits his tea and bursts out laughing. "You what? How did I not know?"  

"Because I made Gee swear not to tell." Mikey glares at me. I shrug. 

"It was meant to come out one day- just like you." 

Mikey slaps my arm and turns to Ray. "Once, Gee-"

"Don't you fucking dare," I point my finger menacingly. Mikey laughs and shakes his head. "Anyway, let's change the subject before we tell each other about how we were born." 

Ray gags and slams his head to the table. "Have I ever mentioned how much I hate social studies? First of all, it has nothing to do with being social because we have to stay quiet while working. It's just study, study, study, and DIE." Rayn rants. Mikey caresses his arm. 

"It'll get better one day, hun." 

"You two are like an old, married couple," I roll my eyes. Someone slams their tray on the table. "What the fu- Oh, what are you doing Brendon?" 

"Where's Frank?" 

"He's sick."

"Interesting. There's news that this kid got beaten by his mother's boyfriend. And the kid looks awfully similar to Frank Iero." 

"Brendon, now is not the time to be a bitch," Mikey chimes in. 

He shrugs, "I can't help but be bitchy sometimes," he looks over and waves Ryan over. "But, you know, if something did happen to Frank,  I'll be up whoever did it, and I'm sure Ryan'll help." Ryan blinks and stares at Brendon for a second. 

"Oh, the Frank thing. Right, yes," he nods. Brendon chuckles and lays his hand on Ryan's. "We might not be as close to Frank as you guys are, but we still care about him. He's in my English class, and in Brendon's history class," Ryan lays his head on Brendon's shoulder. 

"Oh my god, you two are so cute," Mikey smiles. Brendon and Ryan glance at each other before laughing. "What?" Mikey whines. 

"You've never sounded gayer," Brendon says between laughs. "Anyway, Ryan and I have to blast, we need to finish a project, and please, let me know if Frank's okay. I'd really like to see him," he says before dragging Ryan away. 

We all make eye contact before laughing. 


"Hey, Frankie," I say, dropping my bag at the door. Frank waves. I sit next to him and hand him a few papers. "The teachers give you their prayers that you can testify that bitch all the way to jail. But they also send make-up work." 

"I knew it, well, this is what I get for getting beaten up," Frank shakes his head. I put the papers on the side. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pull it out. "It's your lawyer-" I say before answering. "You're speaking to Gerard Way?" 

"Ah, finally. Frank never answers calls apparently. The testify date is in two weeks from today. But- we found something very interesting..." 

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