Chapter 4: " In Order to Run, You Walk "

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(Monika's POV)

  I could barely sleep at all after we met at the cafe. I feel like I am full of energy and ready to face my day. I spoke with her and she seemed so kind and sweet! I honestly didn't expect her to even show up, so color me impressed. One step closer to making another friend. Or-.. I shut my thoughts up as quickly as they came when I heard footsteps outside my window again.

   " Monika, psst! " Sayori whispered, throwing pebbles at my window once again. I gently opened the window and threw a book at her. " Ow-! "

    " If you keep throwing pebbles at my window you're going to scratch it! " I hissed and gave her a cheeky smile. " Bored this weekend I see? " I leaned on the railing of my window and saw Sayori's expression darken. I only have seen her make that face when she was having her                 ' Cloudy ' days. I pushed down out makeshift ladder for her and let her climb into my bedroom window. I sat her down and paced the room.

   " Did someone say something to you? Is someone hurting you? Sayori what happened-?! " I asked her, growing concern. Sayori fiddled with her fingers. She never casually fiddles with her fingers in such a manner! I turned and quickly grabbed Sayori's hands. " If someone is messing with you..please tell me. " I gave her a stern look.

    " No, no. I just..nothing's working, Monika! " Sayori sniffled and looked down at the floor. I put my hand on her cheek and pressed our foreheads together, closing my eyes.

     " Sayori, you need to pull through this. Remember I am here for you every step of the way! " I said, hugging her tightly. " How about I go buy you some sweets? " I saw Sayori's eyes light up and it made me chuckle slightly. So, with that, I sighed and snatched my wallet from my dresser. Sayori and I made our way to a sweets shop down the street.

     " I am so excited! " Sayori said all giddy and jumpy. I sometimes can't handle how hyper she is, but it's adorable. I pat Sayori's head and walked up to the front counter of the sweets shop.

      " Slice of coffee cake and.. " I looked back at Sayori then the worker. " A couple dozen cookies. Assorted. " The worker nodded and slid into the back. I pulled out my phone while I waitd and saw a text message.


Yuri: I need your help, Monika.

Monika: With-?

Yuri: For a certain-...event I need a piano recording. You play piano, right?

Monika: Mhm.

Yuri: Great! 12:00 sound good?

Monika: Sure!

    As I sent that last text I realized that it was 11:30 right now. I can't leave Sayori all by herself, but Yuri needs me. I groaned and put my head in my hands, the worker coming back with our food. I paid them and made my way to Sayori who was sitting in her seat patiently.

   " Bad news, I need to run some-...errands for my dad today. " I said while glancing at my phone which was turned off. Sayori made a slightly upset face, but not too upset.

   " Alright! I'm always a call away! " Sayori said, making the phone symbol with her index and pinky finger. Sayori suddenly got up and ran out, taking her food with her. I sighed and looked at the address Yuri sent me. Hopefully Sayori will be alright. I finished my coffee cake slice and quickly left the sweets shop, making my way to the location Yuri sent me.

   Once I arrived, I saw Yuri standing their with her arms crossed. I smiled and walked over, my arms crossed in my coat pockets.

     " Oh, there you are-..Monika! " Yuri smiled and grabbed my arm. I blushed as she quickly dragged me inside the house. " Here's the piano. " Yuri quietly spoke as she let me go. It was very clean and well taken care of, piano. I sat at the bench and saw her begin an audio recorder. I guess she needs to record it, probably as reference. I started playing a soft song, playing the keys surprisingly perfect. Was it because Yuri was here? As I finished the song I heard the recorder shut off.

          " Oh thank you so much, but that's all I need for today." Yuri said as she looked over the recording. It seemed she is busy today, so I should go. I got up and waved goodbye, leaving quickly. She just needed a reference, that's all. I shook myself loose of any other thoughts as I walked home. Yuri would never use me, silly! She is a kind and considerate person. She just needs help is all. I opened my front door to find my father drinking beer in front of the television.

       " Good evening, father. " I said quietly, making my way to my room.

       " Where do you think you're going? " My father asked me, turning to stare directly at me. I froze in place, I needed to play it smart. Tell him what he wants to hear.

      " I was practicing piano, trying to become perfect like you want- " I said hesitantly, swallowing those words stung a lot. My father seemed satisfied and he turned to go back to watching his television. I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom, seeing Sayori was still sitting there. " Sayori-! " I said with slight joy, putting her into a tight hug. She pat my back.

     " It's okay, Monika! I waited here to make sure you got home this time, I didn't know your dad was so-" I cut Sayori off but cupping my hand over her mouth and with the other, utting a finger over my lip.

      " Lets not talk about that. " I said quickly, putting my hands on my thighs. I didn't know whether to tell Sayori the truth or not, so I kept the lie going. " He really just wants me buy him beer, that's all. " I said with a slight sigh. Not only was I lying to her about why I left, I was telling the truth about my father. It bothered me, but I never pay much attention to it.

    " Oh..well, can I stay the night with you? " Sayori's face brightened, making it impossible for me to say ' no '. I put my hands on her cheeks and we both giggled.

      " Of course, silly! You're my best friend! " I smiled enthusiastically. Sayori really knows how to brighten someones day just with a smile. I hugged Sayori and helped her set up a bed on the floor next to mine. Once a bed was made for her, we sat and talked about life. ( Though, I never brought up Yuri to Sayori. ) Soon, we decided that it was best to go to sleep, and thus we did. 

The Girl in the Glass-Cage [ DOKI DOKI FANFICTION ] ( Doki Doki AU )Where stories live. Discover now