Chapter 8: " Dance with Me "

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(Monika's POV)

      I stood there, letting Yuri hug me tightly. I don't exactly understand what she means when she says I have won-but this hug feels genuine. I looked at Yuri, who was still sobbing and wiped the tears from her face with a light smile.

       " Thanks. " Yuri said, sniffling slightly. My heart melts for this girl and it makes me feels so helpless when I look into her eyes. Just something about seeing her cry makes me feel so upset. Yuri put one hand on my cheek and then turned to the school. " We shouldn't stand out here for so long-it's raining and we're already soaked. " Yuri lightly chuckled while sniffling. I nodded and we went to the school entrance, standing under the over hang.

     " School is still going, but I am suspended for about a week. I guess I'll have to keep myself busy with poetry. " I chuckled and smiled, staring into the rain. Yuri looked at me.

      " How about we pass the time? " Yuri said with a grin, holding her hand out to me. " Care for a dance? " I instantly felt my face flush of all color. Yuri gave me a gentle smile as she took my hand with one of her hands and placed her other on my hip.

       " A-I erm..I can't dance-" I said shakily, not knowing exactly how to react. Is she trying to SWOON me, because dam it's working. Yuri eyed me down for a moment before responding to me.

         " Just go with the flow, Monika. That's what I was always told! " Yuri began making gentle movements. I recognized the square pattern she was tracing and followed in her steps. With the gentle taps of the rain, and the quiet humming from Yuri, I was calmed and in rhythm with Yuri's movement. 

       " See, you're doing just fine. " Yuri spoke quietly this time, her grip on me tightened. " But I want to ask you something important. " I instantly perked my head up to look at her.

        " Ask away. " I said quickly, seeing Yuri gaze at the ground for a moment.

     " Do you have anywhere else to stay-? " Yuri locked eyes with me and it felt like a bullet hit me. I never realized that Sayori would soon have to let me out of her house since her parents wont be able to take care of me and her. I thought over it for a moment, not taking more than a moment. 

     " Not exactly, no. " I said with a slight horas tone which Yuri seemed to notice rather quickly.

     " Something is bothering you. " Yuri said quietly, but she decided to change topics. " How about you stay at my place, hm. " I felt a small smile form on my face. I could finally get to know Yuri more if we spent more time together. I rubbed my arms again, shivering.

  " That would be nice. I can go get my things from the school so we don't have to stand here. " I said quickly, about to enter the school, but Yuri quickly slid off her jacket and wrapped it around me.

   " You're cold-let me get your things from your locker and you can wait here. It will be quick, I promise. " Yuri said quickly, entering the school. I sat down on a step and snuggled into Yuri's warm jacket. It was black, with a fluffy inside. This almost looks like quality fabric, 100% cotton. I sighed and stared at the rain, not hearing the footsteps behind me. " I have your things! " Yuri said with a smile. 

    " How did you know how to unlock my locker, let alone where it was? " I asked, tilting my head in confusion. Yuri stood there for a moment, I couldn't read her expression.

   " Your friend Sayori told me! " Yuri said quickly with a small chuckle. I was about to open my mouth to reply but Yuri put her finger over my lips. " Shhh! No more questions, lets just get you out of the rain and somewhere warm. " Yuri ushered me close to her as she held an umbrella over the both of us. We began walking down an unfamiliar street. She lives quite a distance from the school, and she walks here every day?

   We arrived at quite a large house, and Yuri unlocked the door. Yuri let me inside and motioned for me to sit on the couch, so I did. It was nice and warm in here, and I had a chance to see the decor that the house has. It contained many common architect points such as larger windows and sharper edges, but it gave it a nice homely feel.

   " Here. " Yuri said, handing me a warm mug and sitting next to me. " I could tell you were freezing out there. You need to warm up. " Yuri began wrapping her arms around me, forcing my body to lay on her stomach. I covered up my blush with my arm by resting it over my face, Yuri chuckled at me. " Blushing much, Monika? " Yuri pulled my arm from my face, her other hand was holding me in a secure position so I wouldn't fall off the couch. 

  " Eep! N-no.. " I whimpered slightly, blushing even more. This is ridiculous and quite unfair! Yuri is better at flirting than I am..! Yuri rested her chin on my head, placing her hands around mine, which were securing my mug.

  " I am sorry for being such a jerk. " Yuri said, sneering her face as she looked at me. I frowned slightly.

   " You weren't a jerk-It's fine! " I said with a light smile, the reply I received was not what I expected.

   " Monika, you can't let people walk all over you! " Yuri said rather loudly, her hands tightened around mine. I stared at her hands for a moment and leaned myself into her a bit more. " Not even me. You need to know your boundaries.. " Yuri said softly as she kissed my forehead. " Come on, let me get you a sleeping bag so you can sleep. " Yuri got up, I quickly followed her. She pulled out a sleeping bag and placed it on the floor next to, what I believe, is her bed.

   " Thank you, Yuri. " I said quietly, slipping into the sleeping bag and facing the wall. Yuri stood in front of me.

    " Goodnight. " Yuri whispered as she turned off the lights and got into her bed. I felt my eyes growing heavy, but I also felt someones eyes staring at me. Instead of fear, I grew comfort and soon fell asleep to the sound of my own breathing.

The Girl in the Glass-Cage [ DOKI DOKI FANFICTION ] ( Doki Doki AU )Where stories live. Discover now