Chapter 22: " I am Afraid She may Change. "

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( Yuri's POV )

I woke up with a jolt, clutching my chest and breathing rapidly. I felt around and my hands rested on a sleeping body next to me. That's good-she's still one piece...alive. I laid back down, keeping myself wrapped around Monika securely. Ever since I met Monika, I had a recurring dream. No..nightmare. She is murdering all of us-for love. It's love that she's killing us all for. Something about a game..? Self aware? I am always lost-but it feels too real. It scares scares me because I know it hurts HER. I grabbed her waist tightly and stared at her sleeping figure, trying to figure out why she is causing this dream.

Suddenly, Monika's breathing went uneven and she began to have a distorted face, as if she was afraid or crying. I gently tightened my grip on the hug, closing my eyes as Monika began to silently cry out for help before jolting awake with a gasp. She has them too. I notice, though she doesn't tell me. I know she has nightmares too. Monika pressed her hands against her face and shook her head before noticing I was there, holding her.

" Sorry- " Monika said quickly, giving me an apologetic look. I pat her head and gently pet her hair. " It's just this-..nightmare I keep having. " I felt my eyes lock onto her and I sat up.

" Why don't you tell me about it? " I said quietly, trying to pry the information out of her. Monika hesitated. " It's better if you tell someone so you feel better. " Monika inhaled and rested her head on her knees, I leaned her against me, petting her head gently. Come on, Monika-...just tell me what it is.

" It's morbid, but-..I think you of all people can handle it. " Monika said quietly and I shot her a glance. " Anyways, it's..about me, you, Sayori, and Natsuki all in the Literature club. A-male member come sin and I suddenly just..fall in love with him. I don't even know why-I just do. I realize that life is just a ' game ' and I feel lost without...oh what was his name...MC? Yes. Mc. " Monika said, thinking for a moment before continuing. " I begin killing all of you in various ways. " I narrowed my eyes and we both began to speak in unison.

" Sayori hangs herself, Natsuki has an abusive father, and.. " We both paused, Monika's eyes widening as she realized we spoke together.

" You stab yourself to death. " Monika whimpered and cowered into a smaller position on the couch. I sat still in thought. It's the exact same, but in Monika's point of view. How is this even possible? Why us? Why Monika? Is there something coming I don't know? Can I protect her? Is she safe? I looked at Monika, who was shuddering in place and nearly rocking herself back and forth. I realized how bad Monika looked now that I focused on her without my crazed filters.

Tired eyes like she hasn't had real sleep in weeks, bloody knuckles from the cold and her slamming her fists onto tables in lashes of anger, and her small figure. Monika has been afraid for weeks and I never bothered to notice. I reached an arm out to the fragile figure and pulled her close to me, wrapping myself around her as if I could block out all problems the world has thrown at her.

" Don't let it get to you. " I said softly, trying to keep Monika from looking outside or anywhere that may distract her into her own thoughts. Since it seems like she is in a dark spot. I heard Monika's breathing calm down as we sat there, me holding her close. I felt Monika move a little so she could look at me directly.

" I want to start the club in secret. " Monika said bluntly, taking me back. " I know what the dreams are, but they're just-dreams. It wont harm us, doesn't have to be a school club." Monika said quietly, and I felt my stomach drop.

" I don't know about this, Monika.. " I replied nervously. " I don't know- " I saw Monika's face go from fearful to determined. I sighed deeply and grabbed Monika's shoulders. " What if it means something, hm? " I asked sternly.

" I will avoid it then. But this club...this club has been my dream. " Monika said with passion in her voice. Deterring her would be the worst case scenario for her little heart that is already breaking so I shut myself up and nodded.

" Alright then. Lets try it tomorrow. " I said, sighing. OH wait-will Natsuki forgive me for..putting the blunt end of my knife to her head and hitting her with it? I shrugged. Couldn't be that bad-maybe she got some brain damage and she forgot-? Monika got to her feet and yawned tiredly. " Tired still..? You just woke up. " I said, worried.

" No-No! I am fine. " Monika waved a hand at me to dismiss the concern. I shook my head and grabbed her shoulders, turning her from the door and to the shower. " Yuri! " Monika objected.

" Shower then bed. Now. " I said sternly. " You have lost the correct amount of sleep and you look like you're getting hypothermia every time I don't cuddle with you. " Monika stopped for a minute.

" EXCUSE ME? " Monika turned and looked at me. " You're cuddling with me! " Monika said in a very strong and planted voice. I smirked at her.

" Pfft. I never said I object. " I chuckled as Monika walked to the bathroom, satisfied with my answer. " But I can't always cuddle! " I yelled to the bathroom door. On the other side I heard something thud in the shower.

" YOU FUCKING WILL YOUNG LADY! " Monika's muffled voice yelled through the door. Of course I will always cuddle, but that's just fucking hilarious~ I walked to the bed and sat there, opening my book and reading quietly. But something deterred me from the pages and into my thoughts. Monika is in danger. Monika isn't safe. I need to protect her. Everyone is a possible threat. Even Natsuki. Especially Sayori. They're all a threat. And I must eliminate any threat that comes in contact with her.

Monika exited the bathroom with her hair completely and freely flowing with her bow loosely tied in. She had a short sleeve shirt and yoga pants on. She collapsed next to me on the bed, curling up against my side. I put one arm around her as I watched her fall asleep.

I must eliminate any threat that comes in contact with her.

No matter the cost.

The Girl in the Glass-Cage [ DOKI DOKI FANFICTION ] ( Doki Doki AU )Where stories live. Discover now