Chapter 23: " Who is That? "

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( Monika's POV )

It was the next day and I was more excited than I have been in weeks! Today I get to start my little Literature club in secret! Almost like a criminal in all those stories I read or a daring person that just lives on the edge. It does wonders! I sat up in bed and shook Yuri gently to wake her up.

" Yuri. " I said quietly, she didn't wake up and only replied in a groan before looking away from me. " Ah-okay. Fine then. YURI! " I both hands on her cheeks and stared directly into her face. Yuri let a chuckle and opened one eye, staring at me.

" Right, right, don't go crazy on me. " Yuri smirked and pat my head, getting up. I nudged her with my arm before getting up and beginning to get ready for the day.

" Did you call everyone? " I asked, peeking over my shoulder and slipping on my sweater Yuri let me borrow. Yuri walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

" Listen, don't worry so much about it. Sayori and Natsuki are already making their way to the club room right now. " Yuri said in a slightly sharper tone. " Sayori said she has a surprise as well. " I fiddled with my bow, adjusting it.

" Surprise? How exciting. " I smiled at Yuri, who lightly smiled back. I wiggled with excitement and anticipation, making Yuri have to hold me still.

" Calm down! Lets get going so we can do this. " Yuri said quickly and steering me to the door. I grabbed my beg and Yuri's arm, pulling us both outside and down the street.

We walked up to the empty school and made our way inside. I quietly walked up the stairs with Yuri close behind me, and walking to the club room door. I slid the door open and stopped in my tracks, Yuri froze behind me as well.

" Hey Monika! Hey Yuri! " Sayori said, saying Yuri in more of a bitter tone and walking over to us. " I brought one of my friends over! His name is- " Sayori kept talking, but her voice was muffled for a moment as I blanked out. " But you can call him MC, for short! " Sayori giggled. I felt Yuri put her hands on my shoulders and try to pull me out of the club room.

" O-oh...MC, h-hm..? " I stuttered and looked down. My mind is telling me to run away and hide, but my heart...why is it racing so quickly? I put my hand on my chest, feeling a sickness in my stomach. I stumbled.

" Monika-are you alright..? " Yuri whispered to me, catching me from loosing my footing. I nodded, but Yuri seemed unsatisfied with my answer as she released me. I walked into the club room and glanced at MC, who nervously made eye contact with me. He quickly looked away and I craned my neck to see him better.

Not very muscular and quite thin. Brown hair, hazel eyes, and a normal build. He definitely looks cute. Wait-no. No not at all. Yuri-I love Yuri. I shook my head, my brain acting like a jumbled mess. My views on Yuri became fuzzy and seeing the girls talk to MC made something in my brain snap. I knew what I had to do next. It was all I could do.

I walked over to Sayori and gently pulled her aside, out of earshot from the other girls. Sayori gave me a confused look at I put my lips close to her ear.

" Why are you here? " I said quietly. Sayori jumped slightly, startled by my question.

" To support you, silly! " Sayori whispers back. A dark smile cracked across my face.

" But I don't even need you here. Let alone need you anymore. " I spoke softly, and put my hand on Sayori's shoulder, gripping it tightly. Sayori let out a whimper and looked at me. I only replied by disappointingly shaking my head and walking off. I peered over my shoulder to see Sayori standing confused and saddened in the corner of the room.

What am I doing-? This is wrong-this is... I blinked my eyes a few times. I feel like I have just awoken from a long rest, but MC is here! are the other girls. I guess I need to give way and get rid of my competition. I stride over to MC, took him by the arm and pulled him slightly away from the other girls. Yuri was the one who shot me an odd glance, and I smiled at her quickly.

" M-Monika-? How are you..?" MC said to me nervously, I smiled at him and poked his nose. He flinched.

" I am fine~! Glad you asked. " I said excitedly, standing up straight. I narrowed my eyes as I noticed Yuri walking over to us.

" Excuse us for a moment. " Yuri said sternly, pulling me aside. I gave little resist, but then Yuri pulled me into the hall and locked her arms on my wrists. " What is wrong with you?! You're acting strange and after you spoke to Sayori, she has been acting off as well. " Yuri hissed lowly. I gave her a subtle shrug as if I don't know what she's talking about.

" Hm, Yuri are you sure you are feeling alright? " I said, noticing Yuri was holding my waist. Yuri looked at me intensely.

" Monika. Do you remember what happened yesterday? What we talked about? The nightmare? " Yuri asked. Nightmare? I have no idea what she's talking about, let alone seeing her yesterday. I was at home yesterday, studying for a test. I believe she is mistaken.

" I do believe you're mistaking me for someone else, Yuri. " I calmly stated, putting one hand on Yuri's arm and slowly pushing her grip off of my waist, letting her arms fall to her sides. Yuri gave me a look of disbelief and tried to reach for me again. This time, I grabbed her wrist and glared at her. " Keep those slits of wrists away from me. I don't want your blood on my clothes. " I hissed, letting Yuri's wrists go, and walking back into the club room.

" Hey MC! " Natsuki walked over to MC with a look on her face. " I am not cute! " Natsuki yelped, gently punching MC in the stomach. I stood in the doorway, my eyes narrowed to slits.

It's all of them. They're all my competition.

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