Chapter 10: " Stop it! "

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( Monika's POV )

  I stumbled slightly, Yuri was right behind me to catch me.

  " Monika-! Are you alright?! " Yuri asked quickly, holding my upper body in her arms. I shook my head and got to my feet.

   " Yes, yes, I'm fine. Sayori probably just-didn't realize what she was doing. " I said quietly, shaken up by what just happened. Sayori isn't a bad person, maybe she just got drunk. Doubt it since we're underage and Sayori follows the rules's always a possibility...right? Yuri grabbed my arm.

  " Would you like to cancel and go home? " Yuri asked, whispering into my ear. I pondered on it for a moment. It might be best, just in case Sayori is intoxicated. I was about to reply but Sayori peeked out of the restaurant, smiling.

  " What are you all waiting for? Food is gonna get cold! " Sayori said in a cheery tone. Yuri held my arm and gave me a stern gaze. I shuddered slightly.

  " It'll be fine..I promise. " I said quietly, seeing Yuri's expression change to worry. She let go of my arm and followed me closely inside. I sat down in the booth, Yuri sitting next to me. Sayori walked over holding our food tray. " Thank you! " I said quickly, putting a smile on my face. I was praying to myself Sayori was normal again.

  " This place has the BEST ice cream! " Sayori said quickly, taking a huge bite of her ice cream. " Wanna try some Monika? " Sayori held her ice cream cone to me and I shrugged. We did this all the time, it's normal! I took a small bite, my senses being invaded by the sweetness of chocolate ice cream.

    " You're right, this ice cream is pretty good! " I said, smiling. The feeling from earlier vanished, and I was beginning to have fun. Yuri smiled at me and chuckled.

    " Guess it's Monika approved then! " Yuri said enthusiastically. I giggled myself and so did Sayori. The night went by smoothly. All of us laughing and enjoying the warm food from the diner. I could feel myself growing tired, but Sayori begged for us to go to the park at night. I agreed and so did Yuri, but Yuri sounded a bit more hesitant. As we arrived, I sat on a bench along with Yuri as Sayori began telling stories that were supposed to be scary. I soon fell asleep on the bench.

     I woke up to the sound of a door being slammed shut. I blinked my eyes a few times before I realized where I was. I was in Sayori's bedroom. How did I get here-and where is Yuri..?

   " Oh, Monika you're awake! " Sayori said excitedly as she leaned over me. " Sorry if the walk over here was rough! I had to make sure Yuri couldn't find us and carrying you was a bit more difficult than I thought! " Sayori chuckled as she walked up to me. I realized that I was bound to the bed frame with rope, and I felt too tired to try and break it with my body weight, it would have been impossible anyways.

   " Sayori...why I am here...why did you take me and leave Yuri...? " I asked groggily. Sayori put her hand under my chin and smirked. " Sayori..? " I said shakily, but Sayori locked lips with me. I was pushed into the bed frame by Sayori.

    " Calm down Monika-hold still-! " Sayori said to me quickly, breathing heavily as she stopped kissing me. I tried to push her off of me.

    " Sayori-Stop! Let me go! " I screamed at her, but Sayori grabbed my arms and shoved them to my sides, holding me there. I yelped as Sayori began biting my neck. " SAYORI S-STOP! " I screamed even louder, Sayori gave a slightly curious look. Sayori ran her hands down my sides, glaring at me.

     " Oh Monika...we've been best friends for so long.. " Sayori murmured, rubbing my thighs. " Why are you so nervous~? " Sayori began putting her hands on my breasts. I did not like this at all and I needed a way to get out of here..- Sayori began unbutton my blazer, smirking at me. No, no, no!  I inhaled through my teeth and used my legs to kick Sayori.

    " OW! " Sayori yelped. I tried to push my body weight against the rope, doing little to nothing. " MONIKA! " Sayori growled at my, slapping me across the face. " That hurt! " Sayori said, rubbing her stomach that I kicked. 

    " Let me go Sayori! I don't know what you want..or why you're doing this, but this isn't like you! " I yelped, catching Sayori's attention.

     " What I want..? " Sayori asked herself, looking at me. " What I want is your body, Monika! " Sayori chuckled as she ripped off my blazer. My eyes widened.

    " Sayori don't-! " I was about to speak, but Sayori gently pressed her knee against my sensitive area, causing me to shudder. Sayori smirked at me as she moved her knee around a bit more, causing me to lightly moan against my own will. D-dam it-!

   " Ah-I see your weakness, Monika... " Sayori whispered at me, beginning to remove various pieces of my clothing. I tried to get her off of me once again, begging and pleading for her to stop, but Sayori began securing my arms and legs. Sayori began to wrap her legs around me and press herself onto me. " Ohh come on Monikaa, live a little~ " Sayori said as she began kissing my neck. I tensed up, giving her a slightly fearful look.

    Sayori gave a look of dominance, but it didn't last long. The sound of someone banging on Sayori's door sounded through the room. Please be Yuri! Please be Yuri!

     " You little bitch! Let her go! " Yuri's voice hissed through the door. Sayori chuckled and rammed her knee into my sensitive area, causing me to moan rather loudly. There was a pause, and then the sound of a body being repeatedly thrown at the door. Sayori looked back down at me and began lowering her face, I yelped, making Yuri go quiet for a moment. Sayori put her head between my legs and suddenly, Yuri broke the door in.

     " YOU SNEAKY PRICK! GET OFF OF HER! " Yuri yelled, grabbing Sayori and pulling her away from me. Yuri threw Sayori out of the room and began blocking the doorway. Once Yuri did that, she ran over to my side and cut me from the ropes. " Monika-! What did she do to you? Are you alright?! " Yuri said, voicing her concerns. She quickly hugged me, and I began to sob.

       " She can't hurt you..she can't get you now. You're safe..." Yuri said quietly, handing me a blanket to cover myself with. " Come on- " Yuri quickly scooped me into her arms and climbed out of the bedroom window. Sayori was angrily yelling as Yuri ran off with me in her arms.


The Girl in the Glass-Cage [ DOKI DOKI FANFICTION ] ( Doki Doki AU )Where stories live. Discover now