Chapter 7: " The Unthinkable "

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(Yuri's POV)

        I watched the clock slowly tick down its hours to midnight. For some reason, I was unable to think or sleep properly after the incident at the park. I don't understand why I feel bothered by such an event. Monika is fine and she can still continue to play her music. Isn't that all that matters? I could feel my breaths grow heavy just thinking about what her father told her. How could I be so utterly blind? I feel like a monster. I hissed to myself internally and threw Monika's notebook across the room.

      " I am a dam fool for thinking I could use someone... " I murmured to myself, staring at the notebook I had just thrown. Is using her really what I wanted? I shook my head and threw my hands to my sides. I grabbed Monika's notebook and looked at the address. This must be her address. I got to my feet and began packing a bag full of various items.

         " Time to fix things. " I said to myself, grabbing a match box. I went down the stairs and out my front door, sneaking in the back alley to the house. I knew Monika wouldn't be there, since her father had kicked her out. So, making sure she wouldn't notice wont be an issue. I began to unhinge the window when I noticed Monika's father sitting there with another woman. Dam that bastard. I quickly and silently slid the window open, getting inside the kitchen.

        I held the jug of gasoline in one hand, and my knife in the other. I began pouring gasoline in the kitchen and through various parts of the house that I was not visible to her fathers view. He looked particularly drunk anyways, so I wasn't too concerned. I threw the jug to the side and walked up behind the couch where Monika's father and his new girl sat. I covered their mouths with my arm and put my knife over their throats. A muffled gasp came from them both.

        " Listen here you little shits. You're going to leave Monika the fuck alone or else the last thing you'll be seeing is my dam face as I lodge a knife in your chest. Understood? " I hissed at them, glaring into their eyes. They booth nodded vigorously, both of them were tearing up. I let go of them and pulled out a match. I chuckled slightly. " Burn in hell you bastard. " I said, lighting the match and dropping it on the gasoline. The house began to go up in flames and I made my way out of the kitchen window.

           I began to sprint down the street and noticed that the police were already making their way down to the house. That was exhilarating! I have never felt more alive in my life! I quickly entered my home and locked my door, making my way to my bedroom. I collapsed on my bed and stared out the window. I smiled to myself and shut my eyes, drifting asleep.

( Monday Morning )

       I did my usual routine. Get up, shower, get dressed, fix my hair, and pack my bag. After all of that was finished, I simply grabbed Monika's notebook and made my way to the school. It was a very dreary day, it had began raining heavily outside, so I had to bring an umbrella along with me. I could feel myself shudder from the cold as I entered the warm school building. I made my way to first period and sat down, crossing my legs. The first bell rang and the teacher entered the class and began her lecture.

       Midway through the session, the intercom turned on, and the principal's voice boomed through.

       " Yuri, please come to the office. "

          I gave my piers a slightly puzzled look before dismissing myself from class. I walked down the hallway and into the office, where two officers were sitting with the principal. Oh shit. I walked into the room where they all sat and the rooms air instantly went heavy.

            " Please, take a seat. " The principal gestured, and I sat down quietly. " These kind gentleman wanted to ask you a few questions. " I could feel my throat tighten as one officer walked up to me.

             " You attacked this man? " The officer showed me an image of Monika's father. I decided it's best to be honest and I nodded. The officers gave each other a glance. " Using a knife to threaten both him and his fiance, along with burning the house down, correct? " I nodded once again. The officers gave their nod of approval.

        " You're dismissed. " The principal said to me. I got up quietly and left the office, heading to my next period. As I walked down the hallway, I heard the intercom turn on.

        " Monika, please come to the office. "

       I stopped dead in my tracks. I already admitted to attacking her father, why do they need Monika? Do they suspect her of anything? I quietly walked to my class at a slower pace. Once I got to my class, students whispered to each other, some asked me if everything was alright. I nodded, dismissed the issue, and stared out the window at the rain. Class moved by swiftly.

       I began walking down the hallway. It was at least two periods since Monika was called to the office and they say she still hasn't left yet. I was confused. I then heard students whispering to each other, I listened quietly.

    " Did you hear about Monika? She attacked her father and it got her kicked off the varsity instrumental team! " One student said, pointing at the band and orchestral room. " There's a spot open for another student to fill her place. " I quickly turned my head in time to see Monika exiting the office holding her supplies. I began walking over to her, but once she saw me she began running outside into the rain.

    " Monika-Wait! " I yelled out, running after her, getting soaked. I grabbed her arm and quickly turned her to me. She didn't make eye contact with me. " Monika-why did you lie to those officers? " I asked, staring directly at her, trying to lower my face with hers so we could make eye contact.

      " I-..." Monika whimpered quietly, rain pelting on her face. " I just-..." I narrowed my eyes.

     " Monika, you shouldn't have done that for me. " I said, my voice growing harsh, but still soft. Monika looked at me with a smile, she was crying.

       " Of course I do, silly-! " Monika whimpered, trying to keep a happy tone. " I care about you! " I inhaled deeply and my grip on her arm tightened.

        " Monika! God dam it, don't you know I was using you this entire time?! " I said, yelling slightly and glaring into her eyes. Monika's smile didn't waver.

        " I did. You wanted into the varsity piano and instrumental team. I knew you needed me to get the things you needed, but-that never bothered me-! I had someone who cared for me, whether is was real or not, I didn't want to loose that feeling. " Monika whimpered and sniffled, looking down. " Isn't this what y-you wanted..? " Monika said quietly. I was sobbing as I looked at how vulnerable Monika was. I had used her, drag her on, and she knew. She just-...she just wanted to be loved.

       " You're right, this is what I wanted. " I said, looking down at Monika. " So why am I crying..? " Monika quickly turned to face me, surprised. I was crying intensely now.

  " Fine, you win win. " I spoke softly, pulling Monika into my embrace in the rain.

The Girl in the Glass-Cage [ DOKI DOKI FANFICTION ] ( Doki Doki AU )Where stories live. Discover now