Chapter 18: " She Wont Wake Up. "

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(Yuri's POV)

     I woke up, feeling stirring beside me. I yawned and noticed Natsuki was still passed out on the floor. Alright, so now all I need to do is check on Monika. I turned over to see Monika kept twitching in her sleep, so I gently placed my hands on her shoulder and gently shook her.

  " Monika...are you alright? " I asked quietly, but Monika did not wake up nor did she respond. I shook her with a bit more force. " Monika. " I spoke louder and more stern, but nothing happened. I threw the covers off of the bed and laid Monika flat on her back.

  " God dam-what's with the commotion?! " Natsuki yelled out, waking up. She threw the covers off of her head. I began shaking Monika furiously, noticing she wasn't even waking up. " What's wrong?! " Natsuki got to her feet and rushed over next to me.

   " I don't know-! She wont wake up! " I breathed heavily, trying to figure out how to wake her up. 

    " She hasn't had the medicine and she isn't a heavy sleeper-" Natsuki murmured to herself. " Is she conscious, like at all? " Natsuki's head perked up as she put her hands on Monika's wrists, feeling for pulsation. " Some weird doctor show said something about like-pulse rates? No idea, but it feels like it's REALLY fast-! " I gave Natsuki a look of concern.

   " If you could rate the speed from 1 to 10...rate it. " I said sternly, Natsuki thought for a moment.

   " Her speed is about a 9.5. " Natsuki shrugged and then froze in place. " THAT'S NOT GOOD. " Natsuki turned back to Monika and I did as well.

   " If her heart rate goes any faster, her heart could collapse...! " I yelped and tried to calm Monika down or wake her up. " It is almost like she is going into a coma shock. " I said as I began to sweat, feeling Monika's skin go cold. She almost looks dead. Either that or she is fear stricken. Natsuki was saying random nonsense to Monika as she began to twitch on the bed. The only movements Monika made were a few twitches from the finger or her eyes moving under her eyelids.

   " Monika! God dam it wake up! " Natsuki yelled and slapped Monika across the face. I grabbed Natsuki's arm tightly, making her yelp in pain.

    " Do that again and I swear to god I will make your beating worse than anything your father could have provided. " I growled and Natsuki backed away slowly. " That's more like it. " I turned quickly, shifting my focus back to Monika, who's lips were barely moving to speak. I put my ear close to her mouth to hear what she was saying.

    " I can't see anything...why am I not waking up...?"

   I heard her let out a silent yelp before going quiet again, her fingers twitched slightly. I saw Natsuki watching wide eyed from the edge of the room and I gave her a wave of my hand for her to leave the room.

    " But- " Natsuki objected.

   " L e a v e. " I hissed. Natsuki turned with her head facing the floor and left. Monika shook violently out of a sudden burst of energy. I had to hold her hands down before she harmed herself. " Monika! If you can hear me, you need to calm yourself down! " I said loudly, and she did. Monika slowly relaxed and went back to her occasional twitching. She can hear me. That's it! I can guide her out of this.

    I inhaled and out my hands on Monika's wrists, feeling her pulse. It was quick like Natsuki claimed, concerning. I took a deep breath.

    " Monika, if you can hear me..give a sign. " I said quietly, and Monika's fingers twitched in a different motion than before. Opening and closing against the palm of her hand. Gotcha! I looked back at Monika's face. " I'm going to wake you up, alright-? " Another opening and closing motion from Monika's hand, but this time it was more ecstatic.

    " Breath calmly! If you keep panicking you're going to have a heart failure! " I said quickly, and Monika made an odd breathing sound which somehow helped calm her pulse. She is smart, and that's just what I need. I moved my hands up her arms and back down to her wrist. " Try to open your eyes. " I observed as Monika's eyes moved, but her eyelids never opened. Alright then. Next plan.

    " Be patient. I am going to leave you for a moment. " I said quietly and Monika made a slight twitching motion. " Don't worry-it's only for a moment. " I quietly left the room and looked through my cabinet. I never really told Monika about my-special collection. But I feel it's going to be useful for this situation. It always wakes people up-eh, for the wrong reasons. I grabbed the sharpest knife and walked back upstairs.

   " I am back. " I said quietly and walked over to the lifeless Monika. " This is going to hurt a bit. " I bit my lip as I lifted the knife to Monika's arm. Just be careful of the veins. Avoid the veins and just hit the pain points. I sliced a pain point on Monika's arm and she let out a gasp. She's waking up, but it's not enough! I did it again and I felt Monika's pulse begin to beat rapidly. She suddenly jolted up and latched her hand over the wounds.

   " Oh-OH MY GOD! Ow-! " Monika yelped. I threw the knife to the floor and wrapped her into my embrace.

  " Thank god-! " I cried out, nuzzling Monika affectionately. I am going to have a heart attack if that ever happens again.

    " Yuri-I, and you-you r-remember me! " Monika yelped with joy and hugged me tightly, blood seeping down her arm. " Ow- " I grabbed her bleeding arm and held it in my grasp.

    " I can fix it later-I am just glad you're alright. " I sighed. " What happened...? " Monika frowned.

     " So many bad many. " Monika whimpered. " You forgot who I was like life restarted all over again, but worse-...there was...there was...I can't remember... " Monika thought deeply, I placed a hand on her shoulder, the other holding her arm.

     " Don't worry about it, darling. " I said with a light smile. Monika gave me a shocked look. I helped her to her feet and to the restroom to wrap her arm. I kept watch over Monika the rest of the night. Neither of us got sleep, but we sure did snuggle. I think Monika was scared I would forget her again, but of course it was just a nightmare. But her being makes me so-...never mind.


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