Chapter 17: " Nightmares Repetition "

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(Monika's POV)

         I felt the stress relieve itself as Yuri caressed my hair. I could feel my hands shaking wildly, so I held them close to my chest, staring at the floor.

      " Tell me what is wrong.. " Yuri asked calmly, stroking my cheek gently. How am I supposed to respond? If I worry her too much, she may never be able to live life. I could feel the tensions rising, making me wish to swallow my words, but I ended up saying it anyways.

    " I keep seeing my dad-.." I shuddered as I said those words. Natsuki raised an eyebrow, but Yuri's expression went serious. " Every time I wake's like he's there. Just watching me." I felt Yuri place her hands over mine and grip tightly on them.

   " He can't hurt you anymore, Monika. " Yuri whispered to me quietly. Natsuki sat next to me, patting my back.

   " I may not exactly know what he did, but I hate him for whatever it was! " Natsuki growled slightly, glaring at the wall. " He sounds like he was being a huge dick! " I gave a half hearted chuckle at Natsuki's words. I felt a bit more comfortable knowing Yuri and Natsuki are here with me.

   " Thank you-both of you. " I sniffled, feeling my eyes tear up once again. God dam it-stop crying! I held back the tears, but I felt Yuri wipe my eyes gently.

   " Your welcome. " Yuri gave me a light smile. " Though, I think you need to go to sleep for real this time. I can stay in here with you. " Yuri suddenly lifted me into her arms and laid me down on the bed. She sat next to me, looking down at me with a soft expression. I felt my eyes growing heavy, and I soon did fall asleep.


      I woke up in my bed, in my house. I was completely confused. Why am I here..? I rubbed my head and sat up, going downstairs. I glanced around the house, noticing none was there. What-what is going on... I heard footsteps down the stairs and turned around quickly.

     " Yuri? " I said quickly, but I saw my father walk down the final step. I froze in place. " How are you here-? " I asked, keeping my distance. My father gave me a confused look.

     " I live here. " My father replied in his usual, cold voice. " You need to get ready for school. " My father threw my clothes at me, I caught them quickly.

   " But-I heard the house burned down-and you were sent to- " My father cut me off.

  " Are you delusional? " He hissed. " The house didn't burn down. Have you hit your head you rambling idiot? This is what I get for giving you sleeping pills so you will fucking sleep. " My father growled, putting his index finger on his temple. What-? But-I remember Yuri telling me..I should ask her and get away from my father.

   " Alright-sorry! Must have b-been a nightmare then... " I said quickly as an excuse, going to my room and getting dressed. I rushed to school at a quick pace. I heard a voice call out to me.

   " Monika! " Sayori ran at me, and I felt myself grown tense. Sayori wrapped me into a hug. Get off me! Get off me! How can she act so CASUAL..?! I shoved Sayori off me. " M-Monika...?" Sayori looked at me, nervous.

    " Get away from me! Stay away! " I hissed, backing away from Sayori.

     " Monika..what has gotten into you..? " Sayori asked, concerned, trying to walk up to me calmly. I lifted my hand and slapped her across the face. " Agh-!" Sayori stumbled back.

     " Get away from me! " I yelled and began going full sprint to the school. How could she act like nothing happened? Is she trying to get to me-? I ran into the school and saw Yuri down the hallway. I walked to Yuri quickly. " Yuri. " I said, making Yuri turn to look at me.

     " Oh-Hello! " Yuri said with a smile. " Who may you be? " What? My heart dropped. Yuri tilted her head at me and I shook my head.

    " Nevermind. " I said quietly, walking off. I heard Yuri and the other girls exchange some whispers, and I exited the school. She doesn't even remember me....but-we just-..talked. I saw Sayori and looked at her as she walked up to me teary eyed.

    " God,'re such a j-jerk! I thought you were my friend, but it looks like you're just like everyone else! " Sayori suddenly hissed at me, making me stumbled back.

   " What-..? " 

   " All you want is someone to be there for you so you can use them! " Sayori shoved me back. " Take care of yourself and don't talk to me! " Sayori stormed inside the school, leaving me outside, baffled. I looked down at the ground, unable to think properly of what's going on. What is going on...?

    " Maybe it's a nightmare.. " I said quietly, lifting my arm and pinching it. Nothing happened. God dam it-wake up Monika. I began pinching my arm, and when that didn't work, I began biting it. Breaking skin. Blood seeped down my arm as I began to panic. Wake up-Wake up! Please wake up! I began to sob as I threw y head in my hands, falling to the ground. Why is it not working! I heard footsteps coming in my direction, their pace quickening.

    " She's covered in blood! " A male voice yelled out. " Oh god- " I felt hands wrap around me, but I just stared at the ground as I was lifted in the air. " Can you hear me? " The male voice said to me. I stayed quiet. He began shaking me gently. " I don't know what to do-! " he yelped.

   " Leave me. " I said quietly, staring at the ground.

    " W-what? No! You seriously need medical attention! " The male claimed, lifting me into his arm. I kicked him with my legs and he dropped me, I hit the concrete with a cutting sensation filling my legs. I yelped as the guy tried to reach for me. " Let me help you! " I threw my hands and hit him.

   " Get away from me! " I yelled at him, and then felt an impact on my head. I suddenly black out.


The Girl in the Glass-Cage [ DOKI DOKI FANFICTION ] ( Doki Doki AU )Where stories live. Discover now