Chapter 19: " I Just Wanted You to Feel Safer. "

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( Monika's POV )

   " Yuri. " I said quietly, wrapping the blanket around myself tightly as I looked out the window.   " I-feel like you're being-...too nice to me. " I bluntly stated, giving Yuri as stern of a look as I could give without feeling guilty. Yet, somehow, Yuri gloriously made me regret saying that sentence without even speaking to me.

    " How so? " Yuri set her mug down on the coffee table and turned to look at me. The expression was so new. Yuri never gave me that look, like, she was being more serious than I have ever seen her before. I hesitated trying to think of the right answer that wouldn't set Yuri to the wrong direction.

  " For-example...I do so many idiotic things and you don' me out for it. You are passive. " I stuttered slightly, seeing Yuri's eyes flash with annoyance. I knew it-this would annoy Yuri to death! It's too late to turn back now. I inhaled and gulped slightly. " It's not that I don't appreciate it, but I want you to be honest with me. " Yuri looked at the window for a moment before actually looking back at me.

   " Fine then. " Yuri stood up, walking to me, being quite taller than me. " I don't like the way you have talent, yet decide to get rid of it..w a s t e  it. " Yuri said coldly. What-? Is this what she is so upset about..? I inhaled, trying to think of a calm and collective answer.

    " Is this seriously what is still bothering you?! " I yelled out, throwing the blanket onto the floor, standing up, and looking directly at Yuri, getting in her face. " I am tired-...tired of you trying to blame me for being dragged into doing something I didn't fucking want to! " I put my index finger on Yuri's shoulder and gave her a small shove, showing her I wasn't messing around.

    Yuri glared at me. " You got your answer that you wanted. Don't be too bitchy about it. Remember, I. Saved. Your. Life. " Yuri hissed, and with every word she would shove me. What has gotten into Yuri! I raised my brow in annoyance.

  " You're still bitching about my dam piano playing technique! What the hell! " I spat and suddenly felt Yuri grab my arm tightly, cutting some circulation. " Yuri-let me go! I don't want to stay here a-anymore! " I yelled.

    " Shut up. I am showing you the fucking door. " Yuri spoke roughly as she dragged me to the door. " Find somewhere else to stay! " And with that, the door opened and she shoved me outside. I didn't turn back as I began walking down the street, clutching my wrist. I heard rapid footsteps behind me and then someone grab my arm, I yelped since that was where Yuri grabbed me.

    " Monika! What did Yuri do and why are you out here! You were just ill and you need to be somewhere warm, it's freezing! " Natsuki yelled at me, grabbing both of my hands and staring me right in the eyes. Oh no, this is what I didn't want to happen after something terrible. I don't need her to start the next world war!

    " Lets just get somewhere-and forget that anything happened? " I said, more as a question, but it was unintentional. Natsuki began inspecting my wrist and wrinkled her nose.

   " That little no good- " Natsuki began naming Yuri every name under the sun you can think of. I know this may be surprising, but even Natsuki had her limits, until now-of course. " She did this? And she kicked you out of her HOUSE? FOR A PIANO THINGY?! "

   " Shhhshshhh! " I waved my hands and cupped them over Natsuki's mouth. " It was more of my fault then hers! I asked her to be honest and she was! I overreacted-" I said quickly, but Natsuki was not having any of it. She turned and began trudging to Yuri's doorstep. I need to think quick. " I am with everyone else! You're cute! " I yelped, not exactly thinking. Natsuki paused.

    " Nice try. " She growled. " But-..before I go beat that giant-chested plums ass...I AM NOT CUTE! (Baka!) " Natsuki turned quickly and ran over to Yuri's door, but I went full sprint and tackled her. "Ohmygod!" And then we both hit the ground. I felt the air leave me entirely. 

    " We're not resolving this with violence! " I hissed in a calm and casual manner, but panting from the burst of energy.

    " Says the girl who just TACKLED ME. " Natsuki objected. I rolled off of her back and onto the cement, catching my air. Damn. Ever since that nightmare, I am having trouble staying my usual athletic speed. I loose air too quickly- " Fine. But only because you're turning blue like a berry! " Natsuki said quickly, helping me up. I noticed a curtain pulled over in Yuri's second floor and someone looking down on us. I looked to the ground as I ushered Natsuki to quicken her pace.

    So, after some explaining once we got to Natsuki's house, I felt the tension from Natsuki release.

   " Still want to beat her ass, but you definitely deserve a cupcake for standing up for yourself, girl!" Natsuki gave me a pat on the back before leaping up to her kitchen, I collapsed on her couch, curling around a pillow. So comfyyyyyy.

   " Hmmph. " I mumbled back at her, shoving my face in the pillow. It was the only way I comforted myself besides snuggling with Yuri, which I obviously can't do anymore. Between Yuri and Sayori, I am loosing everyone like a pack of flies. Either to anger or assault. I felt my eyes grow wet and teary. Maybe I am just a magnet for Karma.

    " So do you want the vanilla or chocolate cupcakes? " Natsuki said before turning around and seeing me a sobbing mess. " Oh Jesus! Monika, don't cry! " Natsuki rushed over to me and hugged me tightly. I felt relief flood over me knowing I had at least one person left to depend on, but for how long..? Natsuki used her strength to push me into a sitting position, I refused to let go of the pillow. " Monika! Let-go-OF-THE-PILLOW!" Natsuki tried to pry it out of my hands, I violently shook my head.

    " No! " I yelped, pulling the pillow closer to my chest, pressing my knees against it.

   " Y E S! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO SULK AND COMFORT YOURSELF WITH A DAM PILLOW! NO! NOT IN MY HOUSEHOLD YOUNG LADY! " Natsuki yelled as she began to pull the pillow out of my hand with more force. I yelped and tried to grab onto it gain, but lost my grip, and the pillow was soon out of my grasp.

   " Nu-! " I whimpered, giving Natsuki a look before curling up in a ball on her couch. " My pillow." I sniffled and I heard Natsuki give a heavy groan. I felt a soft, cushioned pillow being placed beside my head and then a sudden head pat.

   " There, there Monika. " Natsuki said awkwardly, but softly as she pat my head. " It's alright. " Natsuki hugged me and I sniffled, hugging her tightly. " No matter what Yuri said-you're an awesome friend and she's just a stupid bitch! " Natsuki hugged me tighter.

But why do I feel like I a being lied to?

The Girl in the Glass-Cage [ DOKI DOKI FANFICTION ] ( Doki Doki AU )Where stories live. Discover now