Chapter 13: " I Don't Take No as an Answer "

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(Monika's POV )

       Yuri tightly grabbed my sides, shoving me down under her. I whimpered and looked away from her. Yuri's grip on me was tight, early cutting my skin.

    " Y-Yuri! " I yelped, but Yuri's face was already right in front of mine. " What are you doing?! " I asked, trying to have a stern voice tone.

    " Darling, why so harsh~? " Yuri asked, sitting on top of me. I glared at her and bit my lip slightly. " Nervous? " Yuri put one hand on my cheek and stroked it. Was she grooming me-? I didn't have much time to react, Yuri was already removing my white dress.

     " Yuri! " I hissed, growing slightly worried. " Don't do this-We really shouldn-! " Yuri pressed two fingers to my lips, looking completely calm. Yuri's eyes flashed with some sort of temptation, but I couldn't quite understand.

  " I am growing quite impatient. " Yuri whispered into my ear. " I am not one to take no for an answer. " Yuri put her hand on my neck and slightly gripped around it, choking me slightly. I began to cough and wheeze, but Yuri didn't let go. I felt all the air exit my lungs. 

   "A ck! Y-yu-ri! " I wheezed, but Yuri kept staring at me, holding onto my neck. Finally, Yuri released her grip on my neck and kissed me affectionately. I had no air as it was, so during the kiss I could barely breath. Once Yuri released her kiss, I was panting madly.

   " Hm...ehahaha-" Yuri put her hand under my chin, I was still panting, trying to catch air. " Do you feel it now, Darling~? " Yuri asked, moving her hand down my leg, then in between my legs. I whimpered, barely audible from my hurt lungs. " Well-Do you?! " Yuri suddenly rammed her knee into my sensitive area multiple times, receiving moans from me as a reply.

   " That's more like it~! " Yuri grinned, baring her teeth at me as she repeatedly rammed her knee into my sensitive area, both of us beginning to pant. Yuri anchored herself by putting her lips around my neck while repeatedly pleasuring me, she grabbed my thighs tightly.

    " Y-yuri- " I whimpered, but Yuri kept pleasuring me. Yuri's tongue slightly lolled out of her mouth as she was being satisfied. I let out a yelp as Yuri bit my bottom lip roughly. Yuri soon readjusted her position, moving her head lower and lower until it was in between my legs. Oh-please d-don't! Yuri gave my sensitive area a gentle lick, making me shudder and close my legs around her. Yuri gave a lightly chuckle.

    " Oh, you like that do you? " Yuri said, pushing me up against the bed frame, grabbing my legs. Yuri pushed her head close to my sensitive area and began roughly licking it, pleasuring me. I moaned loudly, trying to move away from her, but her grip was too strong. She began digging her finger nails into my skin, then started biting me. I grabbed her back and tightened my grip, crying out. I was beginning to cave in.

     " Y-Yuri-...." I panted loudly. Yuri lifted her head from between my legs and stared at me with a kind smile. I bent over and locked lips with her, us both interlocking tongues and panting. Yuri wrapped her arms around my back, digging her fingernails into my skin causing me to shudder and press myself more into her body heat. This caused Yuri to press her knee into my sensitive area, but she wouldn't let us quit the kiss.

      I felt Yuri throw me onto my stomach and climb onto my back. I whimpered as I felt her grab my thighs and start dry humping me. I moaned loudly, feeling Yuri go roughed and quicker. Her grip on my thighs got tighter, and she bit my neck, holding on. I breathed heavily, barely able to catch my breath. This went on for quite some time until we both began getting worn out.

      I sat on the edge of the bed, panting heavily. Yuri sat me onto her legs and rested her head on my back. I laid down on Yuri's stomach and felt her wrap her arms around me, giving me multiple kisses.

    " Goodnight Monika~ " Yuri whispered, licking my cheek.

    " Goodnight..Yuri.." I said tiredly, snuggling into her and closing my eyes, drifting off.

The Girl in the Glass-Cage [ DOKI DOKI FANFICTION ] ( Doki Doki AU )Where stories live. Discover now