Chapter 26: " Healing. "

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( Monika's POV. And no this is not the end, just part of the photo. Don't worry! )

I woke up, my head pounding, my body aching, and I could feel that half of my vision was gone on one side. I moved my hand out in front of me to see which eye it was. Right eye is not picking up visuals, it's What happened? I looked around, sitting up. I saw a giant gash in my chest and winced at the pain, but also realized I was naked. I looked around in confusion but saw Yuri lying next to me, asleep.

I shook my head and tried to ignore the pain as I moved my arm. I was covered in blood and couldn't feel most of my body. I laid back down, staring at the ceiling, and felt movement beside me. I turned my head to face Yuri, who was staring directly at me.

" You're alright-I knew you would wake up eventually. " Yuri said calmly, her hair like a violet pool spilled along her back and pillow. I gave a small nod and messed with a strand of her hair.

" I see something happened. What exactly happened..? " I asked, confused. This is too much blood to be something casual, and I do notice a red ring in the shape of hands around Yuri's neck. Yuri looked at the wall for a minute before responding to me.

" Your nightmare. It came true and-..I still don't know if the others are alive. I didn't die, so I don't know if it revives them, but it revived you since I was the one who put that gash in your chest. " Yuri said as she put her hand on the gash. I let go of the strand of her hair, letting it fall over her shoulder.

" And-..why exactly am I naked? " I asked once again, seeing Yuri's face flush slightly. I squinted my one working eye. " Yuri. This wound would have killed me, and you did say I in fact died, so...if I can put two and two together. " I paused for a moment and took a sharp inhale. " You had sex with my dead body..? " I gave Yuri a calm look, since I couldn't be too bothered by it, even though most people would run away screaming at the fact their girlfriend had intercourse with their corpse.

Yuri sighed and pushed her hair in front of her face. " Yes. I did- " She whimpered, curling into a slight fetal position and sinking under the covers. I smiled to myself and looked back to the ceiling.

" I'm not mad about that, you know. I am not even creeped out, just surprised. " I said quietly, almost in a whisper since the air in my lungs was slightly limited because of the cut. Under the covers, I felt Yuri latch around me shyly and lay there like that. I wrapped one arm around her and let my hand fiddle with her hair. " I have seen you do worse. " I added, smiling even more when I felt Yuri stir in slight resistance to the claim.

I could hear the sound of Yuri's heavy breathing, but also the sound of my heart beating at off paces. I began to focus on its beating, shutting my eyes and placing both of my hands over the wound. I began to almost fall asleep to the heartbeat until I heard something move downstairs, my eyes hot open.

" Someone else is in the house. " I said plainly and Yuri sat up next to me, holding something beside her. I stared at the ceiling, listening to the light tapping of feet up the stairs. Double steps. " Two people, in fact. " I added, pointing at the door. " On the other side. " I whispered and Yuri nodded, holding what I could see was a knife in front of her. The door knob twisted and the door flung open.

" SHE HIT ME WITH A FUCKING VASE! " Natsuki yelled, and I kept staring at the ceiling as I shut my eyes. The headache was killing me, and her loud voice wasn't helping, but I also can't stand looking at the two I have driven to death and suicide. " Monika- " Natsuki's voice shuddered.

" Yes. That is me. " I said coldly, but with a calm expression. I kept my eyes closed. The lights hurt. My body began to ache more, but if I move it hurts worse, so I just laid still as can be, holding the cut on my chest. I realized the other girl was Sayori by the sound of her whispers, but she refused to speak to me.

" Hey-like-what the hell happened to y-you..? You ki- " Natsuki was cut off by violent whispers from Yuri, probably telling her to be quiet about it. I quietly sat up, my face was expressionless.I noticed Natsuki and Sayori's eyes widen. I blinked, adjusting to the new position I was sitting in.

" Your right e-eye... " Sayori whimpered. " It's gone-... " I put one hand over my right eye, and it was in fact gone, leaving a hole in replace of it. The blood probably was getting to them because I noticed Natsuki and Sayori began looking away from me.

" Monika does know.. " Natsuki made an odd gesture. " Hurt? " I felt a twing of sudden anger blow through my body.

" No. Not at all. I just lost my eye, got stabbed, and killed tow out of three of the people I care about! Of course it fucking hurts! " I yelled and then put my hand against my head, feeling a pounding pain. Yuri looked at me with a saddened expression as Natsuki looks down at the floor, frowning. " I need to be left alone. " I said quietly, laying down and covering my face. Natsuki and Sayori tried to protest but Yuri ushered them out of the room.

" Let me have a minute with her and I will get her in a better mood. " Yuri whispered to Natsuki and Sayori as she shut the door. Yuri sat beside me on the bed, taking my bloody bow out of my hair and setting it on the bedside table. " It's not their fault they're afraid and worried at the same time for you. " Yuri whispered, and I looked at her sympathetically.

" I know. I know. " I sighed, rubbing my forehead. " I wouldn't blame them if they asked if I was alright in fear I would kill them again. " I growled to myself. Yuri grabbed something out of my view and began wrapping it around the gaping hole where my right eye used to be. I grabbed her hand, suddenly choking back tears. " Are you afraid of me too? " I asked, looking directly into Yuri's eyes.

" I am not afraid of you, my love. " Yuri said, bending over and kissing me on my forehead. " I only worry for you is all. " I gave a light smile and let go of her hand. " Now get some more rest. Real rest- " Yuri stuttered at the last sentence and then left the room.

I turned to my side and shut my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I am scared. I want Yuri here with me, hugging me. Not to be alone..not to have that nightmare anymore. I suddenly felt myself falling asleep, twitch slightly, and was engulfed by darkness, and the sound of screams.

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