Chapter 20: " Going Back to the Start. "

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( Monika's POV )

   Natsuki was passed out next to me on the couch. Checking the time, I would say-it's about 1:00 AM. It's about time I get somewhere to relax and rethink everything that's happening. It's moving too quickly-with Yuri and what happened with Sayori, and now Natsuki being dragged along with me. It almost feels like a guilty weight that rests on my chest, making breathing nearly impossible.

    I sighed and exhaled, letting out frost-bitten air from my lungs. I slipped outside of the house in my school uniform, clicking down the sidewalk during the crisp morning, leaves crunching under my feet.

    " If I were me-I would sit under the cherry tree, and Natsuki would know I would be there. " I murmured to myself, putting my index finger on my lips and my thumb under my chin, gazing at the sky, splotched with starry dots. " So I best go somewhere else. " I turned to the left and went down close to the school yard. I heard the sound of tapping footsteps behind me. Someone is following me.

     I began to quicken my pace, walking quicker in the direction of the large school. I may not be allowed their during school hours, but I can stay there when it's closed. And whoever is following me probably doesn't know the school well enough since it's like a maze. I can loose them inside and make a quick exit. I swiftly entered the school, going on a sprint down the hallways. The heater was off, so the school was just as cold as the outside was.I slipped off my shoes and kept running so my steps were muffled.

    I rounded a corner and slipped into a classroom, quietly shutting the door. I exhaled quietly and froze in place. This was the room where my Literature Club would have been. I frowned and sat down at an empty desk in the middle of the room, crossing my hands together on the desks wooden top. I tilted my head to the side and inspected the podium that resided in the middle of the front of the room in front of a worn, green chalkboard.

  It would have been amazing to use this room, but I did do something quite-redundant. I bit my lip. Maybe if I didn't take that bullet for Yuri when it came to my dad-...maybe if-... I shook my head. Yuri doesn't deserve the blame. It's my fault, not hers, no matter how mad I get at her. I sucked air through my teeth as I realized I am still probably stuck in this building with another person who was randomly following me.

   I glanced over my shoulder and noticed none near the room, so I got up and quietly moved to the front of the room, my shoes in my hands, and my feet making quiet tapping noises. I heard the rooms door slide open and the sound of footsteps entering the room. I stopped moving and stood completely still, almost hoping if I didn't move, they wouldn't notice me.

   " You don't have to run from me you know. " A familiar voice said quietly, it was a high voice. A very, bubbly voice. I turned and felt a wave of freezing air flood over my body and my blood turned ice cold.

   " Sayori. " I said, trying to steady my shaking voice. " Stay..right there. I don't want you coming any closer to me. " I leaned against to podium, my back facing the wall. Sayori's face gave a saddened expression.

   " I know I did a really bad thing, Monika. I am here to apologize- " Sayori fiddled wit her fingers, like she usually would have. She is acting more like herself when I first met her when we were little. I swallowed my insults and took a few steps to her. Sayori was slightly wide-eyed as if expecting me to bolt or hit her. I placed a hand on her shoulder and Sayori made a sigh of relief.

   " I guess I can't help but forgive you. " I said quietly, my voice shaky as I felt a lump form in my throat. " It's all I can do to fix anything anymore. " I let out a small whimper and looked down at the floor, frowning. Sayori gave my a sympathetic look.

   " I know it may not be my business, seem really sad. " Sayori said quietly, slowly pushing my hand off of her shoulder and letting it rest by my side. " It's not like you to do that. " I shook my head and looked back at Sayori. I don't know why-but I trust her like the event from before never happened. But I also don't want her to think this was her time to make a move. Sayori got the idea and backed off from it. " Oh-right. I understand. "

    " How did you know I was heading this way..? " I asked, sitting at a desk and putting my hands over my head, grunting in slight tiredness. Sayori sat at a desk in front of me, facing me, and thought for a moment.

    " It was more like, you found me in a way. I was actually going for a walk-since I was still upset about-...t h a t, and then I saw you walking in the freezing cold in a school uniform! Which, if I might add, is a terrible idea! You could get sick and-! " I put one hand over Sayori's mouth with a sigh.

   " That's enough of that topic then. You don't have to be my mother Sayori. " I gave a light-hearted chuckle. " You tend to do that. " I put my hand under my chin and ran my other index finger across the rim of my desk in a circle. " I really don't want to go back into town. I just want to stay here so I don't have to look at all the people I disappointed, you know? " I furrowed my brow and my eyes looked at Sayori, who's face went to a concerned look. I looked back at the desk quickly, my finger getting a splinter.

    " You know, just because I was being a terrible friend, and Yuri couldn't understand you as a person, doesn't mean you disappointed anyone. " Sayori said quietly as she grabbed my finger on which i got the splinter and pulled it out, I winced. " You need to stop being that. " Sayori wrapped my finger with a cloth and gave me a look, raising an eyebrow. 

   " Owch-that hurts a little bit. " I said, remarking Sayori's words. " Go a little easier on me, Sayori, you can criticize me that hard! " I yelped out as Sayori tried to squeeze the infection out of my hand and I pulled my hand back. Sayori shrugged and gave a small, bubbly smile.

    " I saw that Natsuki has been keeping tabs on you. Making sure you don't so something dumb! " Sayori smirked and I shot her an annoyed glance.

   " Something 'dumb' ? PA-LEASE. " I waved my hand in dismissal, giggling. " That is something you of all people would do! " I smirked at Sayori, thinking I won this round of 'Who could one-up the other better.'

   " At least I don't attack pillows when I feel miserable. " Sayori giggled, snorting, and covering her face. My face dropped. She shot a curve ball at me.She is irritatingly good at that. " Pfft-lets not try to one up each other right now. " Sayori inspected her handiwork on my finger. I did as well, seeing she did a good job at wrapping my splintered finger.

   " Honestly, I missed these talks with you. " I said quietly, laying my head on my arms and looking at Sayori, who nodded in agreement. " Even though you practically raped me, I forgive you, and want to keep the friendship strong. " Sayori bit her lip and gazed out the window.

    " Can we not, bring that up? I know it probably traumatized you and-I don't want anyone thinking about that. " Sayori gave me a sympathetic look. " But-GOSH this mood is killing meee! " Sayori went back to her bubbly mood and got to her feet, walking to a window. " When you're allowed back in school, we should totally start back up the Literature Club! "

    " Sayori. The club never actually started cause I was kicked out of school before I had the chance. " I remark sarcastically.

   " Same thing! " Sayori said, throwing her hand son her hips in a heroic stance. " It's gonna happen and it's gonna be g r e a t! " Sayori looked at me and I chuckled.

   " Way to lighten the mood with the comedic effect, Sayori. " I said, stretching and getting to my feet. I noticed it was snowing outside." I really should get going and you should too. I don't need you to freeze to death! " I said with a small smile. Sayori smiled, said goodbye, and left. At least she has learned from her mistakes. I sighed and left the school, putting my wrapped hand behind my back. Sayori is right, wearing this uniform with a skirt in the snow is a terrible idea- I got to Natsuki's house and flung the door open.

    " So, you think you're sly, Monika? " Natsuki said sternly.

    " No, not exactly. " I replied, entering the house.

   " Why were you with Sayori? "

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