Chapter One~ The Greene Farm

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Lauren's POV:

My name is Lauren Greene. On my 28th birthday the apocalypse started. Total bummer right? I'm your average, everyday girl. Went to school, had a job, had my own apartment in the city. It was a great life that I built from a broken past.


The day everything happened I was at home sitting in my living room by myself. I was watching The Walking Dead. The show shut off and then a news reporter came on.

"Stay in your houses, lock the doors! Whatever you do don't go outside! There is a virus out break!"

That's all I heard before the power went off. I immediately tried to call the only family I have. My uncle Hershel, and he never answered. I figured out fast that I needed to get away from the city. So I packed everything I thought I would need and got in my car. Once I was out of the city I never looked back.

End Of Flashback~

That was about a week ago. I've just been sleeping in my car at night.I have to be close to the farm by now. I've been driving for almost two hours. I remember my mom would bring us out here when we were younger to see our cousins. Oh yeah by the way I have a brother. His name is Caleb he's 30 and I haven't seen him in two years. When I turned 18 I left home and moved into the city, and Caleb moved in with our uncle Hershel.

I pull onto the road that leads to the driveway of the farm. I drive for about t minutes before I see the sign that leads to my uncles farm. I turn down the long gravel drive, and prepare myself to see people I haven't seen or spoken to in years. The house comes into view and I see multiple vehicles parked in the yard. I also see a little camp site set off to the far side of the house. When I park the car people gather in front of it.

"Who are you and why are you here?" a man asks. He looks like he may be around 30.

"My name is Lauren Greene and I'm looking for my uncle Hershel." I say after I step out of the car.

"Lauren?" I hear someone call from behind me. I turn around and see my cousin Maggie.

"Maggs!" I yell. I run up to her and in gulf her in a bear hug. She hugs back just as tight.

After we have our little reunion I go and see my uncle and my other cousin Beth who both react the same way Maggie did. I'm also introduced to everyone from the other group except two people who is out hunting. Maggie shows me to a room and tells me goodnight.

I put my stuff on the floor and flop down on the bed. All I know is I'm happy that I found my family before something happened to them. With that thought I fall into a well needed sleep.

A/N~ K so this is my first book on her and I'm still trying to figure out how to do stuff so please be patient with me. I'll try and update at least once a week and maybe sometimes everyday. Pleas comment if you have any suggestions!

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