Bad day

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So in the last update i told you about the two guys and what they said. I really hated them and didn't want to be around them at all. I also didn't think i would be scared to be around them. But i was. I only was at school for two and a half classes. But in the first two one of the guys was there and the other was in the class i stayed half for. I was shaking the whole time i couldn't think. I almost had a panic attack. Well i kinda did i just kept myself from crying. I am happy that i wasn't alone with either one because the guy i told is in those classes with me. My mom got me early and i told her just how bad my day has been and what they said. She told me that they probably don't understand how it effected me. I also told her i wasn't trying to be scared but i was just cause i don't know if they meant what they said or not. Me and my mom went to chipotle and then the dmv came home washed her car i took a nap and i haven't done much since but the whole time i have been shaking and i still kinda am now.
   Also because i don't wanna make another short chapter and give you guys a loner one I'm gonna also tell you about last night. (Might contain spoilers) so me and my mom where watching greys anatomy. I normally don't watch but i wanted to talk to my mom about everything really. But in the episode a woman came in. She was injured and had to have a surgery done. How she got the injury's is because the night before she got drunk and was sexually assaulted/ raped. My mom felt bad that it triggered me. Me and her talked a bit and i told her how close i got to being raped and that it wasn't one time it was years. She asked why i never told her and i said i was scared. In a way i feel because of that we got a bit closer (That sounds bad to me the way i put that). I know it only happened last night but i don't know something feels different between us. A good different.

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