─ chapter one

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It was the First of December in the United States Of Auradon

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It was the First of December in the United States Of Auradon. The excitement of the coming holiday of Christmas was sweeping through Auradon Prep. However, on the Isle of the Lost, it was just another month. Just another day. No countdown to Christmas. No Secret Santa. No presents. No special family time. No Christmas Carols. No snow. It was just the same for the people on the Isle.

For one girl in particular, it wasn't a completely normal day. Well, it was never really normal for her. It was always mad.

This day wasn't different because of Christmas celebrations, though. This was the day that the daughter of the Mad Hatter would get her chance to go to Auradon. Mackenzie Hatter. She worked in her father's Tea Shoppe and each day was the same to her. She never got many customers, and if she did, it was usually one of the pirates coming to make fun of her, call her crazy or insane. It seemed to be a different insult every day.

When the sounds of knocking on the door echoed through the small tea shop just as the young redhead was pouring tea into a cup, she was prepared for the worst. However, when she opened the door and the little bell rang, she was greeted with an unfamiliar face. A very tall man in uniform.

"Mackenzie Hatter?" The man asked in a deep voice.

"Um... yes. That's me." Mackenzie nodded slowly, a look of confusion spreading across her face. However, she masked it with a smile. "If you came looking for tea then you came to the right place. We have the best tea on the Isle... um... why are you here? And why... why did you want to know my name?"

"No." The man responded simply and just extended his arm, holding rolled up scrolled out to her. She took the scroll with slight hesitancy and a raised eyebrow. She unrolled it and skim red it, her eyes stopping on the word 'Auradon'.

"Wh-what?" She blinked and then looked up at the guard. "Auradon... me... what???" She stuttered in shock, though a small smile crept onto her lips. Did this mean she was finally getting her chance?

"If you are to accept, I can give you up to half an hour to pack your belongings and leave today." The man said in quite a bored tone, as if he was used to saying it.

"Uh... yes. Yes! Of course I accept!" She responded with a bit of overexcitement. It was completely unexpected and she'd just been handed the key to Auradon. To get away from the bullying pirates. To a better life. "I can be ready in less than that. Thank you." She tried to contain herself but it wasn't going very well. She bounced on her feet slightly with a smile on her lips.

"Don't tell me. Go do it." The man murmured.

"Um... okay." Mackenzie nodded quickly. "You can come in if you'd like. There's tea on the counter." She gestured inside the shop before running behind the counter and through a small door to her room. She threw a bag onto her bed and packed up everything she could. The things she couldn't fit she threw in a hat and then stuffed that in her bag too. She ran around the shop in search of her father, but he was nowhere to be found. So, she scribbled a quick note and placed it in one of his hats where she knew he'd find it. She got back to the front of the shop within twenty minutes, after quickly taking her favourite teacup from behind the counter and carefully putting it in her bag.

[𝟗] 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 ( descendants ) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now