─ chapter six

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Maddie had woken up and was in the middle of getting changed into her pyjamas, leaving herself in her bra and underwear

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Maddie had woken up and was in the middle of getting changed into her pyjamas, leaving herself in her bra and underwear. She also had her earphones in, listening to quite loud music when she suddenly felt a hand on her arm. She jumped and screamed, turning around to see Jay. However, that didn't ease her. She instead backed into the wall, shaking.

"Woah woah Mads..." Jay stepped towards her but she let out a whimper which made him stop. Elyse woke up with a start and  almost fell of the bed.

"What the actual fuck?" She questioned loudly before taking in the scene before her eyes. "Oh god." She muttered. Maddie slid down the wall onto the floor, fear in her eyes, shaking and tears pricking in her eyes. Her breathing was becoming unsteady.

"Well don't just stand there. Help me?!" Jay exclaimed in panic. He looked at Elyse, then furrowing his eyebrows. He looked at Elyse's bed, which was messy, then at Maddie's, which was fully made. He knew Maddie never made her bed. "Or maybe you shouldn't. You seem to have done enough." He said coldly.

"Get away from her Jay." Elyse replied firmly, slowly moving closer. "Now."

"No. She's my girlfriend." Jay said, crossing his arms. "I want to make sure that she's okay."

"I'm fully aware of that, but if you don't step away right now this is going to be nasty. You need to step away." Elyse argued back. "A male can not calm her down now. Let me do it." Jay opened his mouth to say something, but he just let out a grumble and stepped away. Maddie was progressively falling future into the haunting flashbacks. She was shaking, crying, struggling to breathe. Fear and vulnerability spread across her face. When Jay looked at her he instantly frowned. How could he really be such a dick when she needed comforting? Elyse grumbled a 'thanks' and kneeled down in front Of Maddie.

"Maddie, sweetie." She said softly. "He can't touch you. He's dead." That only seemed to make Maddie worse. She desperately squeezed her eyes shut to block out the images in her mind. She sunk further to the floor, her face paling as she continued to shake and cry.

"B-bec-cause of m-me..." She barely choked out.

"He deserved it. He can't hurt you ever again." Elyse soothed. "You made sure he'd never hurt anyone ever again. You're safe now." Maddie looked at Elyse and very slowly, the redhead began to regulate her breathing. She brought her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She closed her eyes and just took deep breaths. Her shaking calmed and the tears slowed down, but still slid down her cheeks. "Can I give you a hug?" Elyse asked quietly. Maddie managed to nod slightly as Jay stood back, just observing with sadness on his face, though it was accompanied with a scowl. Elyse slowly, as to not startle her, opened her arms and went over, wrapping her arms around her best friend, letting her lean on her. Maddie fell onto Elyse and started to cry again. Jay opened his mouth to say something, but instead said nothing. He turned around, opened the door again and just walked out, slamming it behind him. The slam made Maddie jump.

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