─ chapter thirty-one

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"Almost done!" Evie said in her usual chirpy tone, taking a step back from Kenzie who was stood on a small podium in the centre of Mal and Evie's dorm room

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"Almost done!" Evie said in her usual chirpy tone, taking a step back from Kenzie who was stood on a small podium in the centre of Mal and Evie's dorm room. She had been stood there for quite a while now, as Evie made the winter clothes like she had offered to, exactly to fit Kenzie's body. Elyse was sat on a chair, nearby Evie's desk, while Mal was laying on her bed. The purple-haired girl glanced up from the drawing she had in her hand, looking at Kenzie's clothes.

"Nice one, E," The daughter of Maleficent commented, to which the blue-haired girl turned to look at her best friend with a smile.

"Why, thank you M," She responded, before turning back to Kenzie and instructing her to put her arms out.

"Looks great as usual." Elyse said, looking at Kenzie

"As usual? This is my first time in winter clothes," Kenzie chuckled softly, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. She could feel heat rising to her cheeks, and hoped that it wasn't very noticeable.

"Hm, we probably should've considered that when you first came over from the Isle, but oh well." Evie muttered in the midst of her concentration.

"I was referring to Evie's work... but they do suit you." Elyse admitted.

"O-oh, right..." Kenzie nodded quickly, the heat in her cheeks only intensifying at her misunderstanding. She couldn't help it, everything Elyse said set off butterflies within her stomach.

"Thank you, Elyse," Evie replied, glancing towards the ice princess.

"Oh no, now she's going to get even more big-headed about her designing skills," Mal commented teasingly, until Evie gave her an unimpressed look. "Kidding. I was kidding, you know you're amazing, E."

"Thank you Mal." Evie replied. "Kenzie, do the arms feel alright? I don't know if i made them too tight."

"Yeah, they're okay. I think," Kenzie replied, waving her arms around a little bit. "They're just right." She nodded.

"Good. So since I already made you a jacket, I know the measurements are correct so I can just make you a few more items and you'll be all set for the winter!" Evie chirped.

"Thank you, really. Thank you so much Evie. It means a lot," Kenzie smiled, breathing a soft sigh of relief since that meant she could finally step down from the podium after what felt like forever.

"No problem," Evie replied.

"You couldn't get through winter without winter clothes," Elyse added.

"Says the daughter of the queen of ice," Mal commented with a slight laugh.

"Just because my body can handle the cold better than yours doesn't mean that even I don't need a sweater sometimes... just rarely." Elyse shrugged.

"You literally have cold in your blood, Elyse," Mal pointed out, and Kenzie giggled a little bit at that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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