─ chapter ten

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Just before Greyson, Cecilia and Mackenzie entered the dorm areas, someone appeared in their path

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Just before Greyson, Cecilia and Mackenzie entered the dorm areas, someone appeared in their path. It was Cyrus, he had just made himself visible. The sudden appearance made Kenzie jump, since she was still on edge.

"Hey darling, Greyson, Mackenzie." Cyrus greeted. "Is everything okay? I heard people talking." Kenzie frowned slightly and let out a small sigh. Of course it was already spreading how crazy she was. Grey also stumbled back.

"Why do you keep doing that?" He grumbled. Ceci just shrugged.

"You get used to it. And no, not everything's okay." Ceci frowned slightly.

"It's a habit." Cyrus shrugged, and then frowned. "What happened?" He asked, his eyes falling onto Kenzie.

"I'd rather explain when we got to my room..." She muttered, glancing to the floor.

"And that's what we're going to do. Ceci, mind checking if everyone's decent in the room?" Grey said, with Ceci nodding and handing Kenzie off to Cyrus, who had to bend down to support her due to the height difference.

"You're really... tall." Kenzie commented, looking at Cyrus, who chuckled.

"I know." He responded.

"Which is weird since the Cheshire cat was... well, a cat. Not tall." Grey commented as the trio began walking down the hallway.

"We're from Wonderland, did you expect much else?" Cyrus questioned.

"He's right." Kenzie said. "Weird is the normal in Wonderland, just normal is considered weird there. And here, everything is all topsy turvy. But being weird isn't weird, but to people who don't know of weird is find it weird, because it isn't their normal." She shrugged, and Cyrus nodded understandingly.

"What even?" Grey furrowed his eyebrows, now utterly confused.

"In Wonderland it's normal to be what Auradon thinks is weird and vice versa." Ceci translated, running towards them. "Elyse is in the bathroom but she's decent. Jordan is... I guess in her lamp? Zilch from her." Ceci said as she approached them.

"Precisely." Kenzie nodded.

"Your understanding skills are improving, darling." Cyrus smiled at his girlfriend.

"Wait... Elyse is there?" Kenzie questioned. She expected that Elyse would have been with her cousin or something. Elyse knew why Kenzie would have such spells, too. Perhaps it was a good thing. It could make it easier to explain the situation.

"Yeah she is. Do you want me to get her out?" Ceci asked.

"No." Kenzie shook her head. "It's okay."

"You sure? Why is she even in your... oh never mind." Ceci trailed off upon realisation.

"Yeah..." Kenzie muttered. "Staying away from you know who. I can't remember her name."

[𝟗] 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 ( descendants ) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now