─ chapter fifteen

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"Thank you for the tea party

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"Thank you for the tea party." Kenzie said as she stood in the doorway.

"It's no problem." Ally replied with a small smile. She had seemed to be a little disheartened since earlier on and it confused and kind of concerned Kenzie but she just brushed it off.

"It was fun!" Ceci said, jumping up and down until Cyrus put his hands on her shoulders.

"Calm down a bit, darling." Cyrus chuckled, his gaze moving onto Kenzie.

"We'll do it again sometime." Ally added.

"We should." Kenzie smiled slightly.

"Definitely" Ceci nodded, trying to hop again but giving up and stopping with a sigh. Cyrus chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of Ceci's head.

"I'll see you guys around." Kenzie smiled as she placed her hand on the doorknob.

"See ya!" Ceci said, leaning back against her boyfriend.

"Bye." Kenzie waved and opened the door. She closed it behind her as she stepped out and began to walk down the corridor, smiling to herself.

"Yoo hoooooo," Came a voice from the corridor. "Crazy bitch." The voice sang. Kenzie froze and her smile immediately dropped into a frown. She didn't turn around. She didn't need to. She knew exactly who it was.

"Coming back from hanging out with the other crazies?" Audrey asked mockingly.

"Leave them alone." Kenzie muttered, clenching her fists as she continued to walk on, still not turning around.

"Why should I?" Audrey questioned, catching up to Kenzie and walking next to her. "They're insane. And you're the craziest of the bunch."

"Leave them and me alone." Kenzie muttered, fighting back the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes. "What did they ever do to you?" She asked, speeding up and trying to walk away from Audrey.

"Cecilia took my best friend away from me, Ally is just insane, they should be locked up and you with them." Audrey commented, her motive suddenly changing. "I know what happened. I know why you got sent to the Isle." Kenzie froze and stood still. Her hands began to shake. If she didn't know herself, then why did Audrey know?

"W-what?" The redhead finally looked at Audrey.

"It happened in my parents' kingdom. We were the ones to bury your mother. Of course I know. My parents were told everything." Audrey said in a duh tone, a bitchy grin forming on her lips. Kenzie's jaw dropped as a tear rolled down her cheek at the mention of her mother.

"M-my mother...?" She questioned.

"God how dense are you?" Audrey questioned, rolling her eyes. "Yes, your mother. I was there when she was buried. And," Audrey hesitated for a second before smirking again. "I've read the notes. How fucked up is that?" Tears began to roll down the redhead's cheeks.

"B-but... h-how...?" Kenzie questioned, shaking her head slightly as her body began to shake.

"It was in my kingdom." Audrey repeated. "My parents were told, they told me, we had to take care of your mother because you and daddy dearest were being sent to the Isle. In a boat." Audrey taunted.

"No..." Kenzie frowned as tears spilled down her cheeks. The thought of her mother just made her fall to the floor in tears.

"Jeez. Crybaby." Audrey scoffed. "You two deserved to go to the Isle. After what you did..." She trailed off, shaking her head. She then began to strut away from the redhead, leaving Kenzie alone in the hallways.



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