─ chapter twenty-seven

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Mackenzie and Cecilia were in the kitchen, after the latter had convinced the former to come make some gingerbread cookies with her

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Mackenzie and Cecilia were in the kitchen, after the latter had convinced the former to come make some gingerbread cookies with her. Apparently they were Christmas tradition. Kenzie had grown fond of Ceci, supposedly they fit together well in friendship considering they were the daughters of the Mad Hatter and Alice respectively.

"I guess I just wanted to thank you for being so welcoming towards me," Kenzie said as she pressed the cookie cutter against the dough, cutting out little-man shapes.

"There was no need! Why wouldn't have I been?" Ceci asked, turning towards Kenzie, there was flour all over her hands.

"I don't know, it's just nothing I'm used to." Kenzie shrugged, giggling a bit as she noticed Ceci's covered hands.

"That's really sad," Ceci pouted, moving to give Kenzie a brief hug, thus accidentally leaving flour all over her shirt.

"It's okay, Ceci," Kenzie chuckled, hugging the girl back. "So, we put these in the oven now?" She asked, gesturing to the cookies.

"Yep, for about ten mins. But don't forget a mitten! I burnt myself last time because I touched the edge of the oven." Ceci rambled.

"You should be more careful, Ceci." Kenzie said, grabbing the oven mitten and putting it on before carefully sliding the gingerbread cookies into the oven, closing the door and removing the mitten afterwards.

"I am careful! But also I'm forgetful!" Ceci defended herself, going over to the sink to wash her hands.

"I think we all can be from time to time," Kenzie nodded, looking at the blonde girl.

"Yeah well... " Ceci commented. "Wait what are we supposed to do now?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"I guess wait until they're ready? You said ten minutes, that's not too long." Kenzie shrugged. "How are you and Cyrus?" She asked, leaning against the counter.

"We're doing great!" Ceci said excitedly. "Don't tell him I said this but I much prefer having him here than meeting in the woods although I do miss that privacy." Ceci whispered with a smile on her lips. "How are you and Elyse?" She asked, returning to her normal voice.

"Me and Elyse?" Kenzie questioned, raising her eyebrows. "We're great friends, she's very nice although she can be cold sometimes." The redhead explained, smiling fondly as she thought of the girl.

"Just friends?" Ceci raised her eyebrows. "Interesting..."

"Uh, y-yeah, of course." Kenzie nodded quickly, glancing down at the floor.

"You don't sound too sure," Ceci hummed.

"What do you mean, of course I'm-" Kenzie was cut off as both her and Ceci's phones beeped at the same time. "It's the Secret Santa texts." Kenzie muttered as she read through her own text, her eyes widening as she read the name she'd been given: Elyse. Ceci glanced at her own phone.

"Well this'll be fun," She murmured, then glancing up at Kenzie. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good," Kenzie nodded, placing her phone down. "Do you think the cookies are ready?" She asked.

"No, not yet, we have... four minutes," Ceci responded, checking her phone. "Oh, that's what I forgot! Icing!" The blonde exclaimed, rushing towards the cupboard and getting the sugar out. "You sure you're alright? You paled a bit. You didn't get me did you?" Ceci joked.

"No, no no. I'm okay, seriously." Kenzie reassured the girl. Before she could ask anymore questions, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Ceci called, while mixing the ingredients to make the icing. The door opened and Cyrus slipped into the kitchen, having to duck beneath the doorframe before closing the door behind him.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." He said as Kenzie smiled softly.

"Oh no, of course not," The redhead shook her head.

"Never," Ceci smiled. "Cookies should be out any minute."

"Oooh, cookies. Is it a type I haven't tried yet?" Cyrus asked.

"Gingerbread, I've never tried it," Kenzie responded with a soft smile.

"I think she made me try every flavour of cookie possible when I came out of the woods. It doesn't surprise me she's convinced you to make gingerbread cookies." Cyrus chuckled, moving over to the girls and wrapping his arm around Ceci's waist.

"It's almost Christmas time! Gingerbread cookies are a classic!" Ceci protested.

"I know, darling, you've told me." Cyrus chuckled softly, pressing a soft kiss to Ceci's cheek.

"You two are so cute," Kenzie smiled.

"Thank you," Ceci blushed and smiled softly. Suddenly, the timer she had set began to beep. "The cookies!" She exclaimed, pulling out of Cyrus' embrace and heading towards the oven. "Oh right, mitten first." Ceci murmured to herself as she put on the mitten to remove the cookies from the oven. Cyrus chuckled and shook his head.

"Did you get your secret santa texts?" He asked.

"Uh yeah, we did." Kenzie nodded.

"Yep, mines a bit complicated," Ceci admitted.

"You're very creative, darling. You'll manage." Cyrus reassured her as Kenzie nodded in agreement.

"You're right," Ceci said. "But first, let's finish up these cookies!"



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