─ chapter thirty

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"Something is wrong with me," Elyse announced dramatically as she barged into Autumn's dorm, startling the other girl, who was lazing comfortably in her bed, awake from her dream

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"Something is wrong with me," Elyse announced dramatically as she barged into Autumn's dorm, startling the other girl, who was lazing comfortably in her bed, awake from her dream.

"Elyseee, it's so early," Autumn whined, rolling onto her stomach and burying her face in the pillow. Being woken up was the one time the redhead wouldn't be peppy and excitable.

"It's nearly midday." Elyse said, sitting on the other bed in the room, the one that belonged to Ally. "Something is wrong with me." She repeated. Autumn softly sighed, rolling back onto her side instead. She lifted the pillow up slightly so she could look at her cousin.

"What do you mean something is wrong with you? Are you sick?" She asked quite worriedly.

"I mean I can't word properly!" Elyse groaned.

"Yeah you definitely can't, do you need help with English homework?" Autumn asked, moving to sit up. She propped herself up on her elbow and looked at her blonde cousin.

"No I mean... ugh!" Elyse groaned again and slumped back on Ally's bed.

"Yeah, okay. This is not like you," Autumn said, throwing her covers back and edging her way off her bed. She moved over to sit beside Elyse on Ally's bed. "What's up, cousin?" The redhead asked.

"What's up is that I am making a fool out of myself and I don't know why!" Elyse whined uncharacteristically.

"I'm gonna need more context than that Elllll," Autumn whined, almost mocking the way that Elyse just had done so.

"'I got... a thing... I gotta do a thing'." Elyse recited her words, just as she had stated earlier. "'Just a thing. Not important. Gotta go, bye!'"

"Elyse, I'm still confused. What does that mean?" Autumn asked, whining a little bit at her cousin.

"That's what I said before running away from Kenzie. Spirits what is wrong with me?" Elyse sighed. Autumn furrowed her eyebrows, thinking for a moment, before her eyes widened. Her mouth curling into a grin.

"Oh my God I knew it!" Autumn squealed, quite abruptly yanking her cousin into a hug.

"Knew what?" Elyse questioned in confusion.

"You soooo like her!" Autumn said excitedly, clapping her hands together.

"What in the name of Bruni are you talking about?" Elyse asked, just as confused as before. "Yes I like her, she's my friend."

"Oh my gosh, Elyse you're so silly," Autumn sighed, pushing her fingers through her red hair. "I meant like like. Like how you liked Maddie, you know it's okay for you to move on from her, especially since she's with Jay now and you deserve to be happy too and oh my gosh I'm so happy for you!" Autumn rambled, hugging the blonde tightly again.

"What? No. Nope. No." Elyse shook her head, pulling away from the hug and holding her hands up in defence. "No way."

"You so do! C'mon Elyse, you know I'm right," Autumn teased in a sing-song voice, hugging the blonde again and not relenting.

"No you are not. I acted like that because she almost froze to death the other day and I would lose a valuable friend if she had and got nervous because she's coming over and there's pressure to make this a good Christmas. Yes, that's it," Elyse rambled and then stood up. "I have to go meet up with Kenzie and Evie for the clothing. Thanks Autumn!" she called as she exited the room, not letting her cousin get a single word in.

"Wait, what?" Autumn shook her head, blinking in confusion before she ran to the door. Her cousin had left it wide open so the redhead peered around it. "What do you mean she's coming over- and she's gone..." Autumn sighed, slipping back into her room.



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