─ chapter twenty-five

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Elyse had decided to take Maddie up on her offer, with some persuasion from Mackenzie after Elyse had told her about it

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Elyse had decided to take Maddie up on her offer, with some persuasion from Mackenzie after Elyse had told her about it. So the pair stood on the balcony, watching below where Maddie was practicing her fencing against Ari, although their identities were concealed by masks. Jay was spectating as well, only he was in his training uniform and stood at the bottom with his girlfriend and her opponent.

"Maddie is very very good at fencing. She's going to end up ripping him to shreds." Kenzie commented, a soft giggle leaving her lips.

"As she always does," Elyse replied with a hint of pride in her voice.

"She and Jay seem pretty perfect for each other too. They're very cute," Kenzie added before shifting her gaze to Elyse. "You two do seem close though, how long have you been friends?" The redhead asked curiously.

"Way too long. Over five years, I don't quite remember." Elyse smiled fondly. "I just remember she became my best friend immediately. We just clicked."

"That's so cute. I never had many friends on the Isle... I had two. One being Grey and well, now he's here. But I've made a lot of friends here already." Kenzie responded with a smile on her lips. "I'm glad you have a friend like Maddie." She added, gently placing her hand on Elyse's arm.

"I mean she's done a lot for me. Hell, if it weren't for her it probably would've taken me a lot longer to realise I'm gay." Elyse shrugged. Kenzie's eyes widened for a moment but she quickly got over herself and nodded.

"That's good for you. So... I'm guessing you had a crush on her?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did, she didn't find out until recently. I never made a move, but I guess that's why Jay and I don't always get along." Elyse explained, looking at Kenzie.

"Oh, that makes sense. How are you about it now?" Kenzie asked gently.

"I've been over it for a while," Elyse shrugged. "I mean it's a tense spot between Jay and I, especially after he shoved it in my face, so we just ignore it."

"I'm sure you two will be fine eventually. But you just have to look at the positives." Kenzie responded before her gaze shifted back to the fencers, who now had their masks off. Maddie was clearly rubbing it in Ari's face that she'd beaten him, and Jay was evidently finding the situation very humorous, laughing.

"He's a dickhead through." Elyse commented.

"I'm sure I've heard Maddie say the same thing and he's her own boyfriend." Kenzie chuckled softly, glancing at Elyse again.

"Very true." Elyse laughed. "Hey Jay! You're a dickhead!" She called down to the stage. The trio down there looked up at the balcony where Elyse and Kenzie were standing.

"Thanks, I know!" Jay called back, rolling his eyes as Maddie chuckled.

"Oi, come down here." The redhead suggested.

"Be right there!" Elyse called and leaned back. "Let's go," She said to the other redhead beside her, grabbing her bag. Kenzie nodded and headed down with Elyse, meeting Ari, Maddie and Jay.

"Hi, nice fencing, guys." Kenzie commented, a soft smile on her lips.

"Thanks. I'm clearly better though." Maddie smirked, Jay chuckling softly as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"We've known that for a while," Elyse commented.

"I think you'll find that I'm injured so I couldn't prove how I'm the best," Ari shrugged, a smirk on his lips.

"You still fought well, Ari." Kenzie commented, smiling softly.

"Oh really? You're just making excuses because you can't admit you're worse than me." Maddie scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm not worse than you, I'm much better. You just had the advantage after your boyfriend tried to kill me," Ari replied, his smirk remaining prominent.

"You should not have said that," Elyse smirked.

"Nope. Definitely shouldn't have. And I didn't try to kill you, I just had to warm you up to face Red." Jay shrugged and Maddie glared at Ari.

"Oh really? Do you really want me to kick your ass again in a rematch just to prove you wrong, pretty boy?" Maddie questioned. Ari smirked at her, tilting his head to the side a little.

"Go on, Red. We can rematch tomorrow, no boyfriends trying to kill me next time though," Ari said as he looked at her, his cockiness evident.

"Dude you're asking to get your ass kicked." Elyse commented.

"Just let him, it's good entertainment." Jay muttered as Maddie shook her head slightly.

"Oh it's on, pretty boy. Tomorrow. Twelve sharp. Do not be late." Maddie said harshly before turning on her heel and heading off to the locker rooms.

"Well... I better... follow her.." Jay muttered before running after his girlfriend. Kenzie giggling to herself.

"Jay, that's the girls locker... never mind. He'll figure it out." Elyse sighed.

"He's an idiot," Ari chuckled as he looked to Elyse and then to Kenzie, who giggled softly as Jay backed out of the locker room.

"Yep... I'll wait out here." He muttered.

"You should be more careful Ari." Kenzie said in a moment of seriousness.

"What's she gonna do?" Ari shrugged, "I'm a God," He added with a confident smirk.

"Yeah right, She's going to pulverise you," Elyse pointed out.

"I have been told she's very athletic and good at what she does." Kenzie added. "Just... be cautious Ari." She said with a soft smile.

"She's the best." Elyse corrected. "That's why she's the captain of the team."

"She only got captain because Coach is an asshole. Either way, I could easily kick her ass. Just you watch," He smirked as he looked between them, "Anyway, I should probably change and let you girls talk?" He asked.

"I'll be watching her kick your egotistical ass." Elyse smirked.

"Sure, sure, I'm gonna go change," Ari said as he stepped away from the two, "See you later Kenz," He smiled softly. Kenzie nodded and smiled too.

"See you later, Ari." She responded, waving her hand a little as the boy wandered off towards the locker rooms.

"Is he always this cocky?" Elyse questioned, turning to face Kenzie.

"Hm, not always. Maybe it's just the athlete in him." Kenzie shrugged, meeting the blonde girl's gaze.

"Uh huh. You're too nice, Kenzie,'" Elyse sighed. "Let's get out of here. Mom sent me some cookies from Arendelle you need to try."



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