─ chapter eighteen

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The school day had come to an end and Mackenzie was leaving her lesson

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The school day had come to an end and Mackenzie was leaving her lesson. She was just walking, her earphones in her ears as she hummed along to the music. However, she was interrupted by a call from behind her.

"Kenz!" Kenzie spun around to see that it was Grey, and smiled slightly. She pulled her headphones off of her head and walked towards him.

"Hi Grey." She greeted him with a smile.

"Hey," he replied, jogging up to her. "How are you?"

"I'm doing great. Fitting in just fine." Kenzie responded, smiling at him.

"That's good to hear," he smiled back. "Everything alright with other students?"

"Yep." She nodded. In the back of her mind she was thinking about Audrey but she didn't want to worry Grey. It would all be fine.

"Uh-huh," Grey hummed, knowing she was hiding something but not pressing the issue.

"How are you and Rae?" Kenzie asked, eager to change the subject. Grey's smile brightened at the mention of his girlfriend.

"Never better." He replied. Then, his smile curled into a smirk. "How are you and Elyse?"

"Elyse?" Kenzie raised an eyebrow. "Well, we're good friends. We've been helping each other heal. She's really nice." She responded, her smile widening.

"Uh-huh," Grey nodded slowly. "That's all?"

"Uh, yeah?" Kenzie nodded, tilting her head to the side. "Why do you ask?" She asked.

"No reason," He shrugged it off, and she raised her eyebrows at that.

"But there's always a reason. Saying something without reason is disregarding the whole reason behind reasons." She shrugged.

"Not an important or valid reason," Grey corrected himself. "There."

"Then what's the point of asking if there's no valid reason?" She questioned.

"I don't know." Grey shrugged. "Curiosity?"

"Curiosity was Alice's downfall." Kenzie shrugged and then started to walk. "Walk with me." She smiled slightly.

"Of course," He said with a mocking bow, walking alongside the redhead.

"Wait up!" Came a voice from behind them, and Elyse popped up next to Kenzie, slightly out of breath.

"Oh, hi Elyse." Kenzie smiled at the blonde.

"Hey Elyse," Grey greeted. "How are you?"

"Not bad," Elyse replied. "How are you both?"

"I'm good, thanks." Kenzie responded, a smile on her lips.

"I'm fine," Grey said. "You done for the day?"

"Yeah, just a shit ton of homework to do," Elyse groaned. "Can't they give us a break?"

"Nope, wouldn't want to make life easy," Grey replied with a scoff.

"Well, Grey. The Isle was a lot different to what it's like here." Kenzie pointed out. "They want us to actually show up and work." She said.

"We may not have the amount of problems the Isle has, but we do have problems." Elyse snapped back.

"You can't blame me for being slightly jealous and not complaining about homework. If it keeps me outside of the Isle, I'll do it." Grey stated.

"I know, I know," Elyse said, backing down. "But it's what's currently stressing me out."

"Why don't we... change the subject?" Kenzie interrupted. "Like... tea. What's your favourite kind of tea? I should make some for you." She said, looking between the two.

"Haven't tried any besides earl grey," Grey grumbled. "My favourite tea can't have the same name as me." He whined, cuing a giggle from Kenzie and a bit of a smile from Elyse.

"Mint Tea," Elyse said simply, in response to Kenzie's question.

"An excellent choice, mint tea is amazing." Kenzie smiled. "And I'll have to throw a tea tasting party. You'll get the first invite, Grey, don't worry." She added, glancing at him.

"Whoopie..." Grey said in a slightly sarcastic manner, then winced as Elyse reached around Kenzie and hit him on the back of the head. "I mean I'll be delighted," he corrected himself, letting out a sigh. "I didn't mean to sound so downbeat." Kenzie clapped excitedly.

"I'm sure it'll be amazing! I bet Cecilia, Ally and Cyrus will help. I'll have to talk to them." She started to smile widely. She then looked over and noticed a brown haired boy waving at Kenzie, standing not far from the trio. Kenzie smiled and waved back at the boy. Grey and Elyse looked over at the boy Kenzie was waving at.

"Who's that?" Elyse asked, turning to Kenzie and raising an eyebrow.

"That's Ari. The son of Ares." Kenzie replied. "You know the guy I mentioned before?" She questioned, glancing at Ari before looking at Elyse.

"Yeah..." Elyse said, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"I've never seen him around," Grey commented.

"Neither have I, and I've been here for years..." Elyse stated.

"You haven't been here long, Grey." Kenzie pointed out. "I... bumped into him in the hallway." She explained after a pause. "He seems to be quite the quiet one." Kenzie responded, her gaze moving back to Ari. "Do you mind if I go see him?" She asked.

"Go ahead," Grey shrugged, holding his hands up in defence.

"We can't stop you," Elyse kind of grumbled.

"Thanks." Kenzie smiled and stepped away from the two. "I'll see you guys later." She gave a small wave.

"What was that about?" Grey questioned, turning to face Elyse once Kenzie was out of earshot. He raised his eyebrows at the blonde ice princess.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Elyse said with a neutral face. "I'm going to my room."

"Oh-kay, nice talking to you too!" Grey called while Elyse walked away.



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