─ chapter eight

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Elyse's first day back had gone just as she had expected: full of teachers talking to her outside of class and, although all expressed their condolences, many had given her way too much work to catch up on

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Elyse's first day back had gone just as she had expected: full of teachers talking to her outside of class and, although all expressed their condolences, many had given her way too much work to catch up on. She was already tired of all the pity looks. Elyse had successfully avoided her best friend by taking the spare bed in Kenzie's room and sneaking to get a change of clothes at dawn, when Maddie was fast asleep.

Thankfully, both she and Kenzie had Maths before lunch so Elyse didn't have to look for her new friend. When the two girls got to the cafeteria, Elyse instinctively turned to her friends' usual table before recalling her fight with Maddie the night before.

"I don't know where to sit." Elyse whispered to Kenzie. "I can't... sit with them yet. Especially not him." Mackenzie's eyes drifted over to the table. All of their friends- newfound in Kenzie's case- were sat together on the usual table. However, there was a lack of Maddie, but Jay was there. He looked really down, just playing with his food and not paying attention. Kenzie looked around, noticing an empty table in the corner.

"We could go over there." She pointed it out.

"Yes please." Elyse agreed, and the pair began walking to the table. Luckily, they weren't noticed by anyone and Kenzie sat down, placing her food in front of her on the table.

"Did you notice she wasn't there?" Kenzie asked.

"I did. She's probably outside then." Elyse shrugged nonchalantly.

"But without Jay?" Kenzie questioned. "I may not have known them long but they seem to always be together." She stopped herself from continuing. "Sorry. I doubt that's what you want to talk about."

"Thank you." Elyse whispered. Suddenly, a shadow spread across the table.

"Well, well, well," Greyson Gothel said taking a seat. "This is an odd combination."

"Greyson." Elyse nodded. Kenzie looked up at the son of Mother Gothel with a small smile.

"Hi Grey." She greeted.

"So what are you two ladies talking about?" Grey asked, placing his elbows on the table.

"Why are you here?" Elyse questioned, raising an eyebrow. "I don't even know you. And your girlfriend is over there." She added, pointing to their usual table.

"Wanted to check on Kenzie. Especially after Audrey's comment." Grey clarified.

"Audrey? What's she got against you?" Elyse asked, turning to Kenzie.

"Oh. That." Kenzie muttered, looking down at the table. "She hasn't said anything since then. It's fine." She looked up at Elyse. "I don't know... she just asked if I was the Mad Hatter's daughter and said I'd regret coming here and called me a... bitch. Different from the usual crazy but it doesn't matter." Kenzie shrugged slightly.

"Audrey is certainly a bitch." Elyse groaned.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear." Grey frowned as Audrey strutted over to their table.

"Look who's back! The ice princess!" Audrey exclaimed with a fake smile.

"Look who's still a spoiled brat!" Elyse mocked. Kenzie kind of looked down awkwardly and shifted uncomfortably.

"Hi..." Kenzie mumbled, trying to take a civilised approach and not be scared of a princess who was clearly, well, as Elyse said: a spoiled bratty bitch.

"Audrey, what are you doing here?" Grey sighed as the rest of the cafeteria quieted down to watch the showdown.

"Just reminding this crazy bitch that she doesn't belong here." Audrey said. "She belongs in the Isle with the rest of the scum. Or in the nuthouse with the rest of her kind."

"Okay Ulstead, enough." Elyse said, slamming her hands on the table and standing up. "What is your fucking issue now?"

"My issue, you nitwit, is that she needs to go. I can tolerate you, your annoying cousin and crazy friend but not her." Audrey said in a matter-of-fact tone. Elyse's hands began to grow cold, and the table started to be covered in streaks of ice.

"Audrey, I suggest to get out of here before I freeze you right here and now. You have no right to threaten Kenzie or even say nor think those things. Listen to me carefully," Elyse stepped closer menacingly, making Audrey step back but not far enough to not feel the cold Elyse was emitting. Before she could run, Elyse lunged and grabbed Audrey's wrist, which was covered in frost within seconds. "I'm not called the Ice Princess for no reason." Elyse hissed, loud enough for people to hear it. "If I find out you've even touched a hair on Kenzie's head or said anything to her, that hair of yours you so value? I will freeze it off. Leave. Her. Alone. You understand?" Elyse threatened harshly. Audrey nodded rapidly and Elyse let go of the girl's wrist, cueing the brunette to scamper off.

"Woah." Grey breathed in the quiet cafeteria. "Alright nothing to see, get back to your grub." He said loudly, prompting people to return to their food, as Elyse took deep breaths.

"I have to get out of here." Elyse said grabbing her bag. She began to walk off.

"Wait!" Kenzie stopped her, grabbing Elyse's wrist. "Thank-"

"It was nothing." Elyse interrupted, twisting her wrist out of Kenzie's grip and getting out of the cafeteria before her rising temper injured someone. She raced down campus, attempting to get to her room safely.

However, that didn't really work out for Elyse. Because at the same time, Maddie was heading back to their room with her bow over her shoulder, carrying her arrows. The redhead stopped for a second, surprised to see Elyse there.

"Elyse... can we talk? Please." Maddie asked gently. She looked like she'd been crying and there were dark circles under her eyes. "I've been looking for you..."

"Not now Madison." Elyse said harshly.

"Elyse please." Maddie begged. "I... I just..."

"I said not now!" Elyse exclaimed, spinning around. Her hand was at an angle, emphasising her anger. A fully formed icicle flew out of her hand, heading towards Maddie's legs. Luckily, Maddie managed to jump out of the way before the icicle could hit her. It flew behind her and was crushed on the wall when they came into contact. Maddie looked at Elyse and opened her mouth to say more, but she just turned around and walked away down the corridor, bow and arrows still in hand. Elyse stared in horror at her hand. A voice in her head told her to call for Maddie and apologise but she shook her head. Elyse needed to be alone. She needed to calm down right now.



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