─ chapter two

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"And here's your room

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"And here's your room." Grey said finally, after having given a tour of the campus. "You'll be sharing with Jordan, the daughter of Genie. She doesn't come out of her lamp much, as I've heard. So you should be fi--" Grey was interrupted by a loud gasp from down the corridor. Raelynn, Grey and Kenzie all turned around to see a small redhead stood just a few yards away from them. She was very freckly, and had pretty green eyes.

"Oh my gosh!! Hi Rae! Hi Grey! And... new person!" Autumn exclaimed excitedly. "You're so adorable!" Autumn squealed and ran forward, attacking Kenzie with a hug, causing her to stumble back slightly.

"Nice to see you too Autumn. Maybe lay off the excitement a bit though?" Rae suggested, laughing a bit.

"Oops. Yeah. Sorry." Autumn stepped back. "I'm Autumn, Anna and Kristoff's daughter! It's so nice to meet you!"

"You too, Autumn." Kenzie said with a small smile. 'Well, she's a little bit bonkers...' Kenzie thought. "I'm Mackenzie, daughter of-" Kenzie was cut off by Autumn gasping loudly.

"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE THE MAD HATTER'S DAUGHTER!" She squealed and attacked Kenzie with another hug. However, Rae stepped in and pried Autumn off the other girl.

"Calm." Rae said to Autumn as Kenzie just laughed it off.

"Yes, I am." She confirmed.

"WHAT?!?!" Came a loud screech from the other side of the hallway.

"Oh great." Grey murmured as the brunette princess who almost cost him his relationship stomped towards them.

"What the fuck do you want, Audrey?" Rae said coldly as she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. Autumn jumped back, hiding behind Rae. Kenzie stood confused and looked at the princess that had been labelled Audrey. She did not look happy.

"You", Audrey said menacingly, glaring at Kenzie. "You are the Mad Hatter's daughter? And you have the guts to show your face here?"

"What the fuck?" Grey murmured, confused.

"W-what?" Kenzie frowned in confusion. "I don't... I'm sorry..."

"Back off, bitch." Rae stepped towards the other brunette. "You've done nothing don't apologise." She muttered to Kenzie.

"Okay... this has gone on long enough." Grey said, grabbing Audrey and pulling her away from Kenzie. "Leave her alone Audrey."

"You will regret even coming here you bitch." Audrey hissed as she stomped away, angry tears in her eyes.

"What is that bitch's problem?" Rae shook her head, watching the princess disappear. Kenzie just stared off in shock and confusion, tears brimming her eyes.

"I don't know." Grey replied. "Kenzie, are you okay?" It took the redhead a few moments to snap out of her daze.  When she did, she turned to face Grey and plastered a smile on her lips.

[𝟗] 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 ( descendants ) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now