─ chapter twelve

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The next day, Mackenzie and Elyse were walking down the hallway at school

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The next day, Mackenzie and Elyse were walking down the hallway at school. Kenzie was quieter than usual, still thinking about her dream. Her dream... nightmare... whatever it was. It wouldn't stop replaying in her mind. She had so many questions.

"Earth to Mackenzie?" Elyse's said from beside her. Mackenzie shook herself out of her thoughts.

"What?" She questioned, turning her head to look at Elyse. For a moment, her eyes lingered on Elyse's for a moment.

"I was asking what class you have first and you were really zoned out." Elyse said, rolling her eyes

"Oh... right..." Kenzie muttered. "Sorry about that." She paused and thought for a second. "Um... I think I have English."

"I hate English." Elyse sighed.

"I actually enjoy it." Kenzie shrugged. "In books you can enter a world that isn't really a world but is a world in the world that books belong to." She smiled.

"I get what you mean." Elyse said. "Reading is my escape. So is music. But poetry..." She trailed off, wincing.

"Haven't read much poetry." Kenzie shrugged. "There aren't many books on the Isle."

"It's dreadful." Elyse shivered

"Elyse!" A voice called from behind them, making the pair turn around to see Grey running towards them. "I need to talk to you."

"Oh. Hi Grey." Kenzie greeted him with a confused look on her face.

"Me?" Elyse questioned, pointing at herself. "Why?"

"Long story short, Maddie won't forgive Jay, and I'm tired of seeing Jay moping like a little girl who lost their dog. I need your help." Grey summarized quickly.

"Nice of you to do this but why do you need me?" Elyse asked, crossing her arms.

"I need you to talk to Maddie..." Grey began, but was quickly interrupted.

"No." Elyse shook her head.

"Please Elyse." Grey begged. "I know you miss Maddie. And she misses you."

"Jay did this to himself. Let him work for Maddie's favour." Elyse said, ignoring the last bit. She knew it was true.

"Every time he gets within twenty feet of her, Maddie notches her arrow and points it at him." Grey sighed. "I'm desperate here." Kenzie just listened to the conversation with a slight frown.

"He's right, Elyse." She looked at the blonde. "You do miss her, I know you do. You need to talk to her." Kenzie said seriously, but with a gentle smile. Elyse looked at Kenzie and sighed.

"Fine. I'll do it." The blonde relented. Grey's facial expression changed to a relieved one.

"Thank you so much, Kenzie. Let's go." He said, quickly grabbing Elyse's wrist.

"Do not touch me." Elyse groaned, trying to twist her wrist out of his grip, but relented as she was pulled away. "See you later Kenzie." Elyse called.

"See you later." Kenzie waved. She watched Grey and Elyse disappear and then let out a sigh. Alone again.



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