─ chapter twenty-four

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Elyse followed the musical noise across the hallways of the school as best as she could

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Elyse followed the musical noise across the hallways of the school as best as she could.

"Excuse me," she murmured, as she bumped into someone from Audrey's posse.

"Watch where you're going ice bitch," the girl growled, but Elyse, who normally would've iced her feet in place, just ignored her and continued to follow the sound.

Suddenly arriving in her room, the music was louder than she ever heard it. However, it suddenly stopped the moment she threw open the door.

Everything was silent. Elyse stood there in shock, trying to figure out what had happened

"Elyse! Elyse!" The voice of Autumn called as she rushed into the room, panting due to the fact she'd ran all the way. "What's wrong?" She asked after a moment of recovery.

"I-I-I heard... it was like a sort of music... it was calling me..." Elyse stammered.

"What? Elyse... what are you talking about?" Autumn furrowed her eyebrows, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders.

"How could you not hear it? It was overwhelmingly loud." Elyse said, looking at her cousin exasperatedly.

"El, I heard nothing..." Autumn shook her head, a frown spreading across her lips as she pulled her cousin into a hug.

"I'm going mad aren't I?" Elyse mumbled, wobbling for a moment before her legs suddenly gave way and Autumn found herself holding her unconscious cousin.

"Elyse? Elyse!" Autumn yelled as Elyse collapsed into her arms.


Elyse opened her eyes to the setting sun shining on her.


"Oh my god, Elyse! You're awake!" Autumn said excitedly, letting out a dramatic sigh of relief as she pulled Elyse into a hug.

"What happened?" Elyse asked groggily. "It was lunchtime a minute ago."

"Welllll, we are all sitting at a table together and then you ran away because you were following something that was calling for you, like a voice or music or something and then you said you were going crazy and passed out." Autumn rambled in explanation. Suddenly Elyse's memories of the events of that afternoon came back to her.

"Oh..." She mumbled. Autumn sat beside Elyse on the bed, pulling her close.

"What's wrong, frosty?" Autumn asked softly.

"I thought... never mind it's stupid." Elyse said dismissively, shaking her head.

"Elyse, don't start. Just tell me. I'm the hyperactive crazy one, nothing's a reach in my mind." Autumn pointed out.

"I swear I hear... kind of like a song... it was calling me..." Elyse sighed. "It's probably the lack of sleep." The blonde tried to rationalise.

"A song? Calling you? The only thing like that is a ringtone, frosty." Autumn giggled. "You should have more naps." She added.

[𝟗] 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 ( descendants ) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now