─ chapter twenty

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Mackenzie was in her dorm room, laying on her bed and reading over a textbook

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Mackenzie was in her dorm room, laying on her bed and reading over a textbook. She knew Ari would be here soon and she was just killing time until he got here.

"Kenzie?" Came a voice from the hallway, followed by a couple knocks. Kenzie furrowed her eyebrows and shifted to sit on the edge of her bed, placing the textbook aside after closing it. That wasn't Ari. She stood up and went over to the door, opening it.

"Grey?" She said, her confusion evident in her tone.

"Yeah," he replied. "Can I come in?"

"Uh, yeah. But... why are you here?" She asked, stepping back a bit and gesturing for Grey to enter her room.

"You mentioned that you were having some trouble with Maths?" Grey replied a little questioningly, twisting and grabbing a textbook from his backpack. "I thought we could work on our homework together if you were still having issues."

"Uh, Grey, that'd be lovely, but it's not the best time right now." Kenzie said, closing her door and walking towards him. Grey raised an eyebrow.

"Why? Got a hot date?"

"No, no no, gosh no." Kenzie denied quickly, furrowing her eyebrows as she sat down on her bed. "He's just a friend. Ari is coming over, you know the guy I was talking about?" She asked, looking up at Grey with a hopeful smile.

"Ah yes, the famous Ari." Grey said, sitting down on her desk chair. "Why is he coming over?" He asked, leaning back and placing his hands behind his head.

"Because we're friends and I invited him here." Kenzie replied, pulling her legs up onto the bed and sitting cross-legged

"You invited a boy to your room?" Grey said, raising both his eyebrows. "Sounds... suspicious." He added in a teasing tone. Kenzie's cheeks went red and she just shook her head rapidly.

"He's a friend. And plus, you know that I-" She was cut off by a knock at the door.

"I know." Grey nodded, "Are you getting that or...?" He asked, straightening himself up and instead leaning forward with his elbows placed on his knees.

"You're really intent on staying, aren't you?" Kenzie questioned with a small sigh.

"Yep. It's time I met this Ari character," Grey smirked. Kenzie sighed and got to her feet.

"Fine, but you owe me by having a tea tasting session." Kenzie said as she walked over to the door, pulling it open. A smile appeared on her lips. Sure enough, Ari was on the other side, his arms hanging at his sides as he beamed back at the girl.

"Hey, stranger." He said, noticing Grey but saying nothing as his gaze shifted back onto Kenzie's face.

"Yeah, uh, sorry. I didn't expect to get two visitors tonight." Kenzie muttered as she glanced back at Grey. "Come in." She smiled at Ari and then stepped back so he could walk into the room.

[𝟗] 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 ( descendants ) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now