Chapter 11

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Toya Outfit in MM

{2 weeks later}.....


I woke up to the best head ever in the middle of the night. Like if only y'all knew how blessed my man was when it came to pleasing me then you would understand why I am the way I am when it comes to him. It was now 11am and I rolled out of bed to go into the bathroom to do my morning routine.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face I turned on the shower water to let it get hot while I went to grab a new towel and rag.

Picking through the rags I finally found a white one and matching white towel to go along with it. I don't know why but I always had to clean my body with white rags, I feel like everyone should, just so they can make sure the body is clean.

"Hey Siri, play my music on shuffle" I said to my phone so that I could have my daily shower concert. Grabbing my Dove body wash I stepped into the steaming hot shower and my muscles instantly relaxed.

"Close Friends" by Lil Baby was the first song that played. A smile instantly spread across my face because this was Isaiah and I song.

We literally started off as best friends in middle school. I don't have brothers so he was like my brother, he always felt he had to protect me because of my home life.

In high school his ass called hisself always telling niggas they couldn't talk to me, touch me, they couldn't even look my way. Niggas really listened to him too; till this day I still don't know why because this nigga ain't a threat to nobody, well to me at least.

"Keep our business to ourselves ,
The internet ain't doing no help,
I know I shouldn't have never left,
But everything I did for us,"

I sang along as I silently thought about our relationship. Here we were 20 & 21 living life like we were in our 30's because of the life he chose. My man was very successful, and I couldn't be more happy for him.

One thing I'm not ready for is for him to be going on tour and all this other stuff. The groupies in Atlanta were easy to deal with because half these hoes already knew what was up, it's the out of state hoes I was worried about.

Luckie and I have never had infidelity issues and I'm sure they wouldn't start now.

After I begin to feel my skin clam up I knew it was time for me to get out of this shower, clearly I had loss track of time. I begin to dry my body off and rub myself down with Shea Butter. I loved how it felt on my chocolate skin, and the glow it gave me.

My phone begin to ring through the Bluetooth speaker in our room. Running to it I slid the green button across and smiled into the camera. "Fuck you cheesing so hard for man?" Luckie said smirking as his face appeared on the screen.

"I miss you baby, I woke up and you weren't here, where are you?" I said poking my bottom lip out.

"I'm at the studio with Tango bae" he said then flipped the camera around to show the empty studio and Tango sitting at his board working his magic.

"I'll be home a lil later, what you getting into today" he said as he switched the camera back. I had set the camera up on one of the couches in our room and begin putting Shea butter on the rest of my body.

"Damn" I heard him groan.

I smirked. I did this on purpose since his ass wanna play with my emotions this morning. "I'm just going out with the girls today, we're gonna have a girls day today"

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