Chapter 17

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LaToya in MM


"Hey how you feeling mama." I asked Toya as she laid in the guest room.

She sighed , "Hey Ri I'm okay , I'm sorry I'm hogging your space, I just don't wanna see Isaiah's ugly ass face right now"

Shaking my head I replied "Girl hush, you know I'm here for you, we family. Trust me I know you don't wanna see his dog ass. I'm finna go beat his ass right now."

She chuckled and wiped the tears that trailed down her face. "Na Ri it's cool, I don't really have solid proof that he's cheating, just a feeling so I don't know."

"Girl always go with that gut feeling. What did he say when you asked him what took him so long to get home?" I asked while sitting on the bed next to her.

His dumb ass gone say "i WaS aT tHe StUdIo" She said and made the ugliest face.

I died laughing, "bbiittcchh, and what you say, I know you didn't fall for that"

She stale faced me, "come on now Ri, you know me better than that. I punched his ass dead in his shit because first of all that was the first place I went"

I was on the floor rolling by now, simply because I can picture her lil ass punching his dumb ass. I ain't even mad because let Jasper ass try me like that he gone be missing his dick.

We laughed and talked for a lil longer and I left out the room to give her space. LaToya has been at my house for the pass week and I don't mind it at all. I've known her since she was like 3, we're practically family.

Plus Isaiah ass need his ass beat AGAIN for even playing with her like this. They been together so long that I didn't even know he even looked at other bitches. He rarely ever pay these bitches any mind, I mean why would he? His bitch bad .

My phone begin to ring, I walked over and picked it up. "Speaking of the devil" I said out loud. Sliding the bar across I answered the phone "House of beauty, this is cutie"

"Man stop playing and put Toya on the phone, tell her to bring her ass home" he said sounding like he done loss his best friend. Well shit, he did.

"I'm not telling that girl nothing, yo dumb ass shouldn't have did what you did" I replied


I pulled the phone from my ear and looked at it. "Who the fuck you talking to nigga, act like I won't punch you up to God"

Taking a deep breath he said, "look Kiari, I know she over there, please tell her to come home"

"You tell her" with that I ended the call and started to make us some breakfast. About an hour later I had us an entire breakfast spread; cheese eggs, pancakes, turkey and pork bacon and sausage, biscuits, and cheese grits.

"Toya the food ready" I called to her. Just then Juri loud ass walked into the condo.

"What's up bitches" she yelled.

"First of all I need to take my key back because a bitch could've been in here getting the dick and you just busting in my shit" I said turning to her

"And second of all why you so loud bitch" Toya said coming out of the room rubbing her eyes.

Jurianna stale faced us both; "what the hell wrong with y'all grumpy asses and Toya what you doing here ain't your man back?"

"Fuck that nigga" she said as she sat down at the breakfast bar and I slid her plate over to her.

"Oh shit, what this nigga done did? I need to go beat his ass?" Juri said sitting down next to her.

She told her the events that took place last week as we all sat and ate breakfast.

"Oh we gone find out who the bitch is believe that" Juri said as we started to clean the kitchen.

Just then Toya empties her ENTIRE breakfast onto my kitchen floor.

"What the hell" I said running over to her helping her to the hall bathroom. I held her hair back as she continued to breath deeply into the toilet.

Once she was done I brought her her toothbrush and toothpaste. I sat on the toilet as I stared at her. I didn't notice it before but now it was clear as day.

Once she splashed her face with water she turned to me and smiled faintly.

"You're pregnant aren't you Toya." I asked in a soft voice

Nodding her head she allowed tears to roll down her face.

"I wanted to tell him when he came home but then all this happened, I'm two months pregnant. I found out while he was away." She said as she walked into her room and grabbed a set of ultrasound pictures out of the nightstand drawer.

I held the pictures in my hands as I begin to tear up. I grabbed her into a hug and gently rubbed her back. "It's gonna be ok, I'm here for you no matter what you decide to do when it comes to that dumb ass brother of mine"

Sniffling she replied "Thank you Ri, I love you so much, I don't know what I would do without you"

"I love you more sis, you know you have to tell him though right? Whether you decide to go back or not, he deserves to know"

"Yes I know, I was gonna go home today anyways, so I guess I will tell him then."

"Okay, well you know you and my niece or nephew are welcome here anytime" I said

Smiling she hugged me again "Thank you sis, I don't know what I would do without you"

Author's 📝

Our good sis LaToya is going back , but will she stay ?

Who Luckie thought he was talking to ?

Y'all think he cut the bitch off or not ?

We will find out on the next episode 😂



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