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Jaron sat in his office chair fuming. Not only had he loss almost half of his traps but almost a million dollars worth of product and money. To top it off, his right hand man and brother was gone.

"Imma kill this nigga" he mumbled to himself.

At this point he was so close to throwing in the towel. He felt as if he couldn't get a break, his sisters were gone, his brother was gone, all he had left was a half ass security team.

And by half, he really meant half because half of his team was either dead or injured. His phone rung; "speak"

"Boss I have a location on their safe house"

"Good work, send me the location I'll head there now, have a team meet me out there."


The call ended and Jaron rose from his chair. While heading towards the door a barrage of gunfire sounded in the air. He walked back behind his desk and pulled up the cameras.

This is when he saw soldiers surrounding the land, Jason and his guys were sweeping the area.

Jaron removed a painting and pulled his 223 out of the space in the wall. He watched the cameras as they cleared each room.

Jaron watched as they approached his office door. The security team kicked his door in, as soon as the door flew open he pressed a button that shut all of the lights off in the home.

"What the-"

Before anyone knew it bullets were flying. All Jason and his crew could do was take cover outside the door and shoot back blindly.

"Y'all motherfuckers thought y'all was gonna catch me slipping huh" Jaron yelled over the gunfire.

"Fuck you lil nigga, turn the lights on. Let's see what you really bout" Jasper replied.

Gunfire continued, no one really knew what they were hitting but they all had extended clips and were planning to empty them.

"Aaaaahhhhh, I'm hit!" was the next thing heard over the shots.

Back at the safe house....

Jurianna rose out of bed because her stomach was growling so loud. No one ever told her pregnancy came with these crazy cravings.

Of course she knew a little about it because she was around Toya, but she thought she was just exaggerating.

Right now she was craving peanut butter, pickles, and hot Cheetos all together. So here she was heading to the kitchen. She entered and turned the lights on jumping when she saw Strap sitting there at the table.

"You scared me Strap" she said holding her chest.

"My bad J, what you doing up?"

She had to do a double take; it was very rare for him to talk, but her and Ri were his favorites so sometimes he talked to them more than anyone else.

"I'm hungry, my little nugget going crazy in here" she stated, rubbing her belly and heading towards the refrigerator.

The alarm beeped signaling that someone was entering the house. One of the soldiers walked through the home and entered the kitchen. "Strap we-" he paused when he noticed Jurianna.

"How you doing Juri, could I borrow Strap really quick" he asked scratching his neck.

She shrugged "sure, I just came to get my snacks, I'm heading back to my room now."

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