Chapter 41

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It's been a week since my sister was suppose to be back from Florida and I was starting to get worried. I had called her phone and texted her several times just to get no answer, then eventually her phone was started going to voicemail.

Today I was flying down there along with Titus and Keasia so that we could check out her place.

Although I wanted to ring Asia's neck I put those feelings to the side for now. Well at least until I find my sister.

A hour and a half later we were landing in Florida and on the way to her home. We pulled up and I didn't notice her car which could've meant she wasn't home, but then again she could've been parked in the garage.

"Y'all stay here" I said to Keasia and Titus as I exited the car.

"Who?" Keasia asked as she hopped out behind me.

I entered her home with my key and headed towards the stairs as Asia checked the first level. We met back up in the front, both expressing worried facial expressions. "I didn't see any sign of her, what about you?" I asked

"No everything seems to be in place, as if she wasn't even here."

I nodded. Where could this girl be? We locked up the house and drove to her job. Keasia walked in to speak with a couple of her co-workers, 10 minutes later she was walking back out.

The look on her face let me know something was wrong. "What did they say?" I asked

"They said she hasn't been to work in over 2 weeks. Which is confusing because didn't she tell you she was coming down here for work last Friday?" Keasia asked.

"Yes, something is up. I can feel it in my spirit" I replied as I crunk the car up. This was true, the last few days I have been feeling off, like something was wrong. The fact that I haven't heard from my sister makes me think something is wrong with her.

I know I was mad at her or whatever but I don't feel it was serious enough for her to not answer my calls or texts.

We stopped to get food and got back on the road. "Titus call down and put the word out for anyone to hit me up if they hear from or see my sister"

"Gotcha" He said as he pulled his phone out.



A week has went by and everything so far was radio silent. "I could've stayed at home for this shit." Toya groaned as she rubbed her belly.

"Girl hush, act like you ain't happy to be in the same house with ya crew if you want" I chuckled.

"Oh hush" she giggled as we walked out of the room and headed back downstairs. Today we were having a lil cookout/pool party, just to relax everyone's mind.

All the women were chilling on the huge couch watching movies, while us men were throwing down on the grill and the kids ran around outside playing.

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