Chapter 39

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We've been home from Jamaica for about a week now, I was happy because although I had fun I missed my bed and my pregnancy pillow.

In a few weeks I will be 28 weeks pregnant meaning it was time to start planning my baby shower. Juri, Ri, and Mani were on their way over so that we could get started.

I can't believe that in almost 2 months I will be a mommy. To think I use to never want kids. Now every morning I wake up I thank God for my peanut. Luckie walked into the room looking handsome as fuck with his haircut.

"Ooouuuu baby you looking so fine" I smiled and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

Chuckling he said; "thank you ma, you looking good too"

I smacked my teeth; "now why you lying, I look like a damn Beluga whale" I pouted.

"Well I guess you look like a sexy Beluga then" he shrugged. I popped him upside his head.

"Make me slap you" I laughed.

"I'm saying, I'm just agreeing with what you said" he laughed while walking into his closet. He began to pull some clothes out.

"Where you going?"

"Finna meet up with the fellas, we going to chill at Jas hookah lounge for a lil minute. Is it cool?"

"Yes baby, the girls are coming over to help me plan for the baby shower anyways."

"Bet, let me know how much everything gonna be so we can go ahead and pay for it" he stated as he walked into the bathroom to shower. I followed right behind him.

"K what date do you want me to set it for?"

"Whatever date baby, just let me know so I can let Tango know not to book any shows for that week."

"Okay I was thinking maybe September 15, that would be my 7 month mark" I told him as I sat on the toilet continuing to talk to him as he washed his body. I was tempted to step into the shower with him but my legs were still sore from this morning. So I just decided to enjoy the view.

"That's cool with me ma" he said loud enough for me to hear over the running water.

"Kk" I smiled and got up to go get in the bed, I was tired all of a sudden. 20 minutes later Luckie came out of the bathroom with nothing on but a towel. I instantly bit down on my bottom lip, being pregnant was the devil. My hormones were going crazy.

"Don't write a check you can't cash" he chuckled as he caught me staring at him.

"Whatever nigga, you ain't even all that with ya bright ass" I blushed.

"Yea yea, lie again" he replied as he got dressed. I watched his every move, just admiring my man. Although shit was rocky in the beginning of my pregnancy, I must say that now he's truly gone back to the man I fell in love with.

I know I should be running for the hills since he cheated, but it was his first major fuck up so I told myself that if he truly changes I'd be willing to ride this thing out. Plus I didn't want my son growing up in a broken home like I did. I wanted him to have both parents and to experience what it was like to see true love.

I needed Luckie to show our son what it meant to truly be a man and how to treat a woman. Don't get it twisted, I'm not these dumb hoes that will just keep running back to a nigga after he cheats multiple times. Nope not I Popeye, this ain't that type of party.

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