Chapter 21

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LaToya in MM


Luckie sat attentively watching Toya as she played with the strands of her hair. She was nervous, which he didn't understand why because he was the one that fucked up.

He reached over the lift her chin but she moved out of his reach. He couldn't be upset at that gesture so he just placed his hands back in front of himself.

Taking a deep breath he started to speak; "listen LaToya I'm sorry for fucking us up, she didn't and will never mean anything to me."

With that revelation her eyes met his, she was surprised that he admitted it. Well as much as he did say because he didn't actually say that he fucked someone else.

She eyed him for a second then averted her eyes. "Why?" She asked as her voice cracked. As much as she was tired of crying this pregnancy had her very emotional.

Luckie ran his hand down his face because he hated to see her cry. He could just drop dead right now for breaking her down like this.

She wiped her tears and started to talk again; "you know what I don't even wanna know why, more like how long?"

"A month" he said looking into her eyes so that she knew he was telling the truth.

She shook her head; "So one month is worth a 10+ year friendship and a 5 year relationship?"

"Not at all, I'm not gonna make excuses for my actions. I know I fucked up and I can understand if you wanna leave me" He said as a tear slipped from his eye.

He didn't wanna look like a bitch but it was truly hurting him to have this conversation about her leaving. He ran his hand down his face again hoping that she didn't catch the tear.

She did but she didn't give a fuck at this point. She reached into her bag and Luckie tensed up; he knew she kept a gun in her purse.

His heart started to beat fast, he wasn't even gonna stop her because in reality he had been dead this entire week without her. So if she had to be the one to take his life at least a real nigga had killed him.

He released the breath he was holding as she held the manila envelope towards him.

"Before you open this I want you to know that this doesn't change anything. For right now I'm still leaving. I have me a condo in the same building as Ri on the same floor. Strap will move out of his apartment and let me stay there." LaToya stated as she rose from the bar to go pack.

Luckie wasn't gonna rebuttal her on that. She had clearly made her mind up, she was entirely to calm. He stared at the envelope wondering what could be inside.

Before he opened it she reappeared in the kitchen, "what's her name?"

"Why LaToya? Tha-"

"Luckie today ain't the day to play with me. What's the bitch name?" she asked calmly.

She was only this calm when she was mad as fuck so he knew not to test her. Sighing he replies "Jaslyn, her name is Jaslyn"

"Bet" and with that she walked away and up the stairs.

Sighing deeply he opened the envelope and emptied the contents. His eyes immediately trained on the ultrasound pictures.

His heart dropped; "damn" was all he could say. He removed his self from the bar stool and made his way up the stairs in search of Toya.

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