Chapter 44

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Toya, Mani, and I sat in the kitchen making small talk as we waited for Ri to return from handling Keasia. We were currently talking about how we were going to go about making this house feel like "home" with 3 families, a couple, a nanny, and an army of security.

We wanted to make the house seem as normal as possible, especially since JJ and Jewel were questioning when they were going back to their home. Mani had to explain to them that we were all living here now and that this was gonna be home for a while.

While talking we heard the alarm chirp signaling that someone was entering the home. Considering the fact that all the men were gone we figured it was Kiari.

We all paused and turned facing the entrance of the kitchen. "It's done" she said removing her hoodie. A sigh of relief passed over all of us. "Good now we just gotta get through this war and we can be good" I stated.

"Jason doesn't want us to worry about that part. They just want us to take care of these kids and ourselves. We got enough security here to protect us" Mani explained as she yawned.

"Juri when is your doctors appointment? We find out soon what you're having. I can't wait ! I hope it's a girl since I had the boy" Toya said

I smiled and rubbed my growing belly. I was now 16 weeks pregnant and pretty big might I add. In about two weeks I would be finding out the gender of my nugget. I was also hoping for a girl but having a little Tayshaun wouldn't be so bad either.

"Yes I'm excited, I think I want to do a gender reveal. I know it's lame but it's something I've always wanted to do." I shrugged.

"No, I think it's a good idea. It will give us something to do other then walking around here doing nothing since we can't go back to work." Ri replied while going into the refrigerator, pulling out something to cook.

Jewel came running into the kitchen; "stop running baby" Mani said as she jumped into her lap.

"Mommy Zay ccwwyyiinngg" she dragged out. For some reason she never called him Israel, it was always Baby Zay or Zay.

It was cute that she gave him her own nickname and don't let you try to call him that, she'll have a damn fit.

"That's my cue" Toya said getting off of the bar stool and walking towards his room.

Jewel was right behind her. "I help you TeeTee" we heard her say. We all giggled.

"Go ahead and have that baby a little brother or sister" I said to Mani. She choked on her water.

"Girl I ain't popping no more of them demon seeds no time soon!"

We all laughed hysterically; "don't do my niece and nephew" Ri said pushing her softly.

"Girl them kids are like sour patch kids! When they daddy here they just the sweetest lil things. As soon as that motherfucker leave it's like all bets are off, they finna go crazy!" She replied shaking her head.

"That's because he spoil they asses" I chuckled

"Right then have the nerve to say I spoil them more. Nigga please." she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not finna play with y'all two" Ri laughed while seasoning her meat.

"What you about to make cousin?" I asked walking over and watching her intently. My baby and I were so hungry and Ri cooking was definitely gonna hit the spot.

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