Chapter 14

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Juri in MM

{3 months later ..... }


It's been 3 months and I have been depressed as shit. Tango and Luckie have been on the road for 2 months now doing shows and I miss my man.

There has been so many times where I have been tempted to buy a plane ticket and pop up on his ass but I had a job, there was money to be made.

I rolled out of bed and went into the restroom to start my daily routine. I brushed my teeth and applied my face mask. While letting that sit I decided to go ahead and find me something to wear for the day.

Kiari and I were going to check on the progress of our new branding company. The meeting we had a few months ago went so well. We really didn't need their money, just the connections. So we made a deal with them to allow them about 5% of our business' profits.

After finding my outfit I went to wash my mask off and shower. Not even 10 minutes into the shower I begin to hear noises, so I paused.

Standing still I listened for anymore noises to make sure I wasn't tripping. I was gonna turn the water off but if it's a killer in this bitch he wasn't finna know I heard him.

I stepped out of the shower and tip toed my way to the toilet, I lifted the back part and grabbed one of the backup guns Tango had hidden. I heard faint movement in our room so I held the gun tighter pointing it towards the bathroom door ready to shoot any motherfucker that thought they was finna catch me slipping.

I held my breath as I watched the door handle move downward as if someone was trying to creep in here. I made sure the gun was off safety and placed my finger on the trigger, I was ready at this point. It was my life or theirs. The door opened fully.

"JURI ! Woah woah!" Tango said holding his hands up dropping the roses he held in the process.

"FUCKING DUMMY! Why are you creeping up in this bitch like a robber and shit Tayshaun , what if I would've shot yo dumb ass" I yelled putting the gun down.

"I'm sorry baby, I just wanted to surprise you but I forgot my girl a scary cat" he said chuckling as he walked over to me and hugged my body into his.

"Get off me nigga because you're stupid !" I said punching his chest. I could literally hear my heart beating through my ears.

"You really want me to get off you" he questioned licking his lips and eyeing my naked, wet body. "You was gonna shoot a nigga ass naked?" He smirked

"Ha ha, I'm glad you think this shit funny" I said stepping back into the shower. His ass was lucky my water wasn't cold yet or I was reconsidering shooting his ignorant ass.

"I'm sorry baby" he said as he stepped into the shower behind me kissing on my neck and shoulders.

I missed his ass so much but I had to play like I was still mad cause I already knew how this was finna go if I kept this act up. "Mhm get the fuck off me" I said pushing him back.

He spun me around so fast and quickly picked me up. Instantly I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He swiftly entered me causing my eyes to roll to the back of my head.

"Shit" he said as he bounced me up and down on his dick. "You still want me to get the fuck off you?" He asked looking dead into my eyes.

I shook my head; wrong move. He slammed me down harder on his thickness.

"Nah use them words Jurianna." He said into my ear

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